**What A Summer! 2**


-----The next morning-----

The girls woke up and got dressed and went back down stairs only to see Ritchie and Scott sitting on the couch and watching cartoons. 'Why are they still here?' Kate asked Jamie 'I don't know, I'm gonna find out though' Jamie replied and walked over to the guys 'Hey Ritchie , Scott what are use still doing here?' Jamie asked them 'Oh well my mom slept here also, so we stayed as well' Scott replied 'Oh and where did your mom sleep?' Jamie asked him with Kate behind her hoping Scott wouldn't say with your dad or in your dad's room 'Oh, well they came in and went upstairs so I have no idea, but I'm thinking something' Scott replied laughing Jamie took off upstairs and opened her dad's door and seen Scott 's mom and her dad kissing she stormed out and down stairs and left the house pissed *Because she wasn't ready to see her dad with someone else but her mom, even if it was 2 years later* 'Where is she going?' Ritchie asked 'Probably away for awhile to be alone' Kate replied and went upstairs 'I feel sorry for Jamie I don't think she was ready to see my mom and her dad together' Scott replied looking worried 'Well Kate spent all day looking for Jamie but couldn't find her and she went back to the summer house to see if she came back *it was now 6 hours later* 'Hey Scott did Jamie come back yet?' Kate asked him 'No sorry she hasn't' he replied 'Shit where is she' Kate yelled 'I don't know but I will help you find her Ritchie replied and walked out of the house to go look for Jamie 'Hey wait don't go' Scott replied holding Kate 's arm 'Why?' Kate asked 'Well I wanna spend some time with you, and you did say she would be ok' Scott replied smiling 'Alone with me Scott , do you like me?' Kate asked him 'Yeah, I do' Scott replied smiling 'Oh well ok, I'm sure she will be fine' Kate replied and sat beside Scott and they talked. ' Ritchie went looking everywhere for Jamie but he couldn't find her, he was thinking if Kate might have found her, but just then he hear a wimper coming from around the corner so he walked around the corner to the bushes and he heard the bushes crying well someone in the bushed crying 'Hey is that you Jamie ?' he asked 'Yeah Ritchie it's me' Jamie replied and stood up and her eyes were red and she was still crying 'Hey listen come with me I have something to show you' Ritchie said and took her hand and lead her to his car and they got in and drove off to the beach it was dark outside now and it was so beautifull at night.

Part 5

--------That night--------

Well Ritchie took Jamie back to her dad's summer house, she wasn't happy about it, and Ritchie went up to Jamie room, but when they opened the door, the shut it right away, because Kate and Scott were making out and they just laughed about it.'So do you wanna talk about anything?' Ritchie asked Jamie 'I know what you wanna talk about and I guess I don't mind' Jamie replied knowing to talk about how she feels about her dad and Scott 's mom so they went down stairs to the living room and sat on the couch. 'So Jamie why did you get all pissed and run out like that?' Ritchie asked her 'well, I'm not ready to see my dad with someone new' Jamie replied 'Ok so now we know, what you think, but don't you want him to be happy?' he asked her 'Yeah, I do, but I guess, it just pisses me off, to know, he's not with my mom' she replied 'Yeah, but how about, you forget about your dad and Scott 's mom being together and let them be happy and we could be happy too' he replied 'What are you talking ab..............' Jamie started to say but Ritchie kissed her and she kissed him back 'I like that idea' she replied between kisses 'I thought you would' he replied

--------- Scott and Kate --------
'I wonder if Ritchie has found Jamie ' Kate said to Scott 'I don't know, I hope he did' Scott replied 'Yeah same here, I'm a little worried about her now' she replied 'Ok how about we go see if we can find Ritchie and Jamie ' he replied and they left and started walking down the stairs, only to see Ritchie kissing Jamie 's neck 'Let's not bug them' Scott replied to Kate 'Ok let's just go back to the room' she replied and Scott picked her up and carried her up to the room................. Ritchie and Jamie had spent the night on the couch and Kate and Scott had spent the night together in Jamie and Kate 's room.


--------The Next Morning--------

The girls woke up and got dressed and so did the guys. 'Hey do use wanna come and meet our friends?' the guys asked the girls, and the girls agreed and they all took off to a hotel, 'Why are your friends in a hotel?' Kate asked the guys 'Well they came from England with us, and are staying here' Ritchie replied giggling a little, so they all went inside and wen to their friends rooms and the guys opened the door and let Jamie Kate Ritchie and Scott in to the room, the girls just looked at the guys friends and then at the guys and started laughing 'What are you laughing at?' Abs asked the girls 'well you see Ritchie and Scott didn't mention that they were from Five and that we were coming to meet the rest of Five' Jamie replied laughing 'And that's funny?' Sean asked them 'Yeah, I mean we didn't even realize that Ritchie and Scott were two guys from Five, they were always wearing their stupid hats' Kate replied 'Oh, so what are your names?' J asked the girls 'I'm Jamie and this is Kate ' Jamie replied 'well its our pleasure to meet use' Abs replied smiling at the girls and Ritchie and Scott just gave him a dirty look 'Oh I see, are use with, like going out with Ritchie and Scott ?' Abs asked the girls 'Umm.........'the girls started to say but Scott finished for them 'Yes, we are going out with them' Scott replied 'Oh hey that's smashing' J replied 'Yeah, ok then' Kate replied and smiled 'So are use here for a while?' Jamie asked all the guys 'Actually for 2 weeks, we had to beg our manager, to let us rest so he talked to the record people and all the other people and they agreed to give us 2 weeks off' Sean replied 'well that's so nice' Jamie replied 'Yeah, I supose' J replied 'Well ok then snitty' Kate replied laughing 'Hey, I didn't mean to sound snitty, I'm just tired' J replied and smiled 'Ok why don't we just leave' Jamie replied 'You don't have too' J replied 'No it's cool, this way use can get some rest' Jamie replied and left and Ritchie Scott and Kate fallowed her


--------With Ritchie and Jamie ---------

. Well Ritchie decided to take Jamie to the beach to walk and talk, and a little more.'Hey Ritchie do have something you wanna say, or did you just bring me here to tell me jokes' Jamie told Ritchie 'No actually, I wanted to ask you if, your dad and Scott 's mom get really hot and heavy, and your dad starts coming to the UK, are you gonna come with him?' he asked her 'Well I never thought about that, and now I have a reason to, so my answer to your question, is yes' she replied and rapped her arms around his neck and kissed him 'I feel so special now' he replied and kissd her back and pulled her down to the sand and they started fooling around.--------

Scott and Kate
well Scott decided he wanted to go back to the house, and hang out and watch some tv and rest.


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