Welcome to the brand new official website for 5P6 year 2002 of Catholic High School, PJ. This site is designed for us to remember each and everyone from 5P6 2002, and most important, to let us keep in touch just in case we lost our contact. Years later, I'm sure it will bring back some good old memories when you check back this site.

Use the navigation menu above to move around this site, hope you all like it. If you noticed, I've removed the chat room. It's kindda useless because everyone is busy with their own life, who cares to log in into a laggy chat room, rather use ICQ or MSN instead :) The reason I still keep the message board is because I noticed few people still visit that board, million thanks to you all to keep this site alive.

Another million apologize for the photo gallery section, due to laziness (lazy to upload photo, took ages for me to upload to 'ah hem' server), I wasn't able to upload those pic last time. Now, the photo section is up, check it out people! If you wanna upload more photos, e-mail them to this address

I'm gonna stop my crap here. To our friends there, hope you all really really really like this new design of 5P62002.cjb.net. To our visitors, please feel free to browse around this website, any comment please state it at message board, your comments are most welcome.

Cheers! - Webmaster


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