   And Not
Back, But Serious.
School is school. Sometimes it is little more than a nusience or a small buzzing in your ear of some annoying thing you think has nothing to do with life, and sometimes it is merely a place to make freinds. It all depend on your point of view. But one thing that always will remain true of school is that you will inevitably leave it behind to pursue your own path in life, and with it, your old freinds.

Me and my freinds started out this year by teasing Kyle that we'd be shunning him for the year after he graduated. It was funny at the time, and seemed like something that could never really happen, not to our group, our pals. But I forgot that time passes, as it always does, and now he's leaving. It leaves me a little numb, but I know its gonna suck without him. The thing about people who leave is that even if they are not trying, they are kind of shunning you. He won't just be down the street on our campus anymore, he'll be out having a job and having a life. Won't be thinking about assignments, won't have the same kind of time restrictions, might even make some new freinds.

Numbs me a little also that I will be doing the same thing in a year or so. I'll leave a place that I've considered home for three years or more and head off into the world. I'm not scared of adventure. I'd love the chance to head off into the unknown, but with that, I realised that would truely be marching by myself. High school freinds are great, but they fade away. I suppose thats the way of things.

Maybe the thought is crazy; Perhaps Kyle will stay out of college and then when we get out he'll head off to one in this area and everyone will get together on weekends...or something. But I know that there will be people who I don't see again for years and years after they, and inevitably myself, graduate. Its just one of those things.

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