Aol City

Here are so Do's and Do Not's for creating and managing a site. Follow them, and you'll be successful.

Do have a nice organized site. Frames are highly suggested. Use colors that match, link pink and white, not brown and bright orange.

Do have a few images so that your visiotrs don't get sick of reading.

Do build your site with HTML. The goal is to attract visitors and impress them. Page builders are not impessive. Well, they are, but they pages built with page builders aren't impressive.

Do interact with your visitors. Use tagboards, guestbooks, etc. After all, how are they going to tell you how fantastic your site is if they can't talk to you?

Do have a lot of content. Visitors aren't going to be happy with a site filled with a bio, shout-outs, and nothing else. Woo hoo, can somebody please say, "boring!"

Do type and spell properly. tYpInG LiKe DiZ is stupid and annoying. Making words longer/shorter is also stupid and annoying.

Do not use too much profanity, as it can and probably will be deemed offensive. Oh yeah, it's going to so hard for you to speak without your sentence enhancers. *sarcasm* hehe

Do not use too many animated graphics. It takes forever to load for some browsers and is distracting. Besides, you might cause someone to go blind. lol

Do not forget your manners. It's not going to get you hits if your rude to your visitors! or Requests!

I truly hope this helped you!

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