Mallory the fashion model in her new pink dress

New painting for the bedroom. No glass in this one :) Got it in Cape May.

Broke up the old kitchen floor and replaced it with a laminate.
Damn I do nice work ... when I do any at all.

Oops I drove the sledge hammer through the floor.
That cost me another 20 min to repair that correctly. DOH!

All that is left to do is to cut or route the trim to fit.
Now at least there is a floor under the fridge and stove.
Did I mention I do nice work? :)

I can see my cabin from here :)

I can see my house from here :)

3/29/07 Mallory won tickets and backstage passes for Justin Timberlake and Pink in N Jersey

Mallory and Maggie with J.T.

The hat and smile she'll wear to my funeral if I become a professional glazer???

Mallory's Valentines day party -- Feb 10 2007

Jan 19th. I made a pizza for lunch. I am perfecting the recipe...not bad. I love my pizza stone and peel.
I got the tip to use parchment paper from food tv. The edges get toasted, but that's okay, and it makes for easy cleanup.

Jan 12, 2007. Black and tan, blonde and bitter ... just like my beer.

I made chocolate chip cookies today...yummmm 1-11-07

I like my cookie scoop, and always use parchment paper.

I already have the kitchen cleaned up. Got scratch and sniff monitor? Where's the milk? MMMMMMMM

The year in pictures 2006 .

The year in pictures 2005

The year in pictures 2004

Big fat hair cow :) 1-8-007

Blue eyed dork alert!...but a good picture. Photo taken by Sabrina {Our fav gangsta cookie}

I've been told my sneakers smell like cat pee. Maybe that is why Meekay doesn't bite me anymore? Mal says he bites everybody.
I did run 4.7 miles in the pouring rain on new years. Just when I thought I couldn't get any wetter, I did.
Holy crap, I ran over 12 mi. the other day. It made the 8.5 the next day seem like a walk in the park....Yeah well I 'm still a big fat hairy cow :)
I need a massage and I miss the hot tub.:)

...And Mag says she always has her picture taken in the kitchen of her butt. :)

March 31 2006. On the way to ice skating.

February 11, 2006. Easy shot.


Feb 5, 2006. Mallory and some of her new outfits. The lil wallet drainer girl :)




Maggie, Mallory, and Bob. I think the photo was taken by Art.


Pixie at the warmest spot in the cabin.


Mallory playing her drums that she got for her birthday.


Christmas 2005. Cutest thing on a leash for over 14 years! {And if she pees on my floor again....Bang...Zoom!...straight to the moon}


Pixie under the Christmas tree. She knew she was posing for a picture and then made me give her a treat. December 15th.


Mallory and her friends having a pizza and ice skating party.
Mallory, Seiler, Katie and Leslie


November 20th 2005. Mallory's horse show at Ashford Farms

Pre-show hug for her horse Ben {This one is on my desk at work}

November 20th 2005. Mallory's horse show at Ashford Farms

Pre-show hug for her horse Ben


One of the jumps



Durango pictures. Summer 2005.

Some pictures from 2005. I really should be more organized here..

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