Ministries in Christian Education (MCE)
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (NCCC)

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Racial - Ethnic and Culture Specific Ministries

Program Ministry: Committee on Deaf Ministries

Chair: Willard Madsen

Staff: Beth Lockard


Liaison: Patrice L. Rosner

Mission and Program Goals:  The Committee attempts to recognize the variety of communication preferences present among deaf and hard of hearing persons and encourages effective ministry with these groups.   Since 1990, the Committee has shifted from a majority of hearing persons, denominational staff, to deaf persons who are volunteer representatives of their communions. The focus is on leader development and advocacy.   The goals of the Committee have become more deaf-generated and are showing forth the energies and drams of the Deaf people.

Current Activities:   The committee meets annually and offers a workshop/continuing education experience to its members and guests. In 2000 the focus was on issues between the generations in Deaf Culture.   In 2001 the focus was on overcoming racism.   An ASL video is under development to accompany the brochure, "Time to Listen."   In 2001 a goal long pursued by the Committee was achieved when St. Thomas University in Florida opened a Masters level pastoral education program in ministry with deaf people for deaf people.   It is the only such program in the country.

Five Year Goals:

Membership: There are 100 people in the Committee's network/mailing list, 45 on the membership roster and annual attendance at Committee meetings averages 25-30 persons.

Communions and Associations represented are:

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Last time updated: April 4, 2002

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