List's Burial

In late 1918 List was in poor health which during the final stages of World War I the naval blockade of the Central Powers created food shortages in Vienna. This caused poor health in the now 70 year old von List.

In the spring of 1919, at the age of 71, List and his wife set off to recuperate and meet followers at the maner-house of Eberhard von Brockhusen , a List society patron who lived at Langen in Brandenburg , Germany .

On arrival at the Anhalter Station at Berlin , List was too exhausted to continue the journey to Langen. After a doctor had diagnosed a lung inflammation, his health deteriorated quickly, and he died in a Berlin guesthouse on the morning of May 17 1919. He was cremated in Leipzig and his ashes laid in an urn and then buried in Vienna Central Cemetery, the Zentralfriedhof , in the gravesite KNLH 413 - Vienna's largest and most famous cemetery (including the graves of Beethoven , Brahms , Schubert and Strauss .) in Vienna's 11th district of Simmering.

Philipp Stauff, a Berlin journalist and resident in Berlin-Lichterfelde (also a good friend of List and fellow Armanist), wrote an obituary to List which appeared in the Münchener Beobachter (which was published by Rudolf von Sebottendorff and later acquired as the Nazi Party newspaper) called 'Guido von List gestorben' on May 24 , 1919 , p. 4.

Controvercy and date of death

List's date of death is acknowledged by, and seen as the best reference for, the correct date of his death by not only Phillip Stauff but also by the highly respected English and German speaking scholers Dr. Stephen E. Flowers and Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke. Goodrick-Clarke clarrifies this death date as May 17th 1919 in his book "The Occult Roots of Nazism", page 48; and Flowers also in his English translation of "Der Geheimnis der Runen" in the biographical section on page 12. Flowers also says that his and especiallly Goodrick-Clarke' whom his data is (possibly (more than likely)) based on, is May 17 1919 in Berlin.

Interestingly, the 'Guido-von-List-Gesellschaft publication Urgrund (An Introduction to List thoughts), which was published in 1936 to spread Lists ideas to a wider community, on page 11, it says he died on May 19 1919. Also, the 'German Historical Museum' in Berlin has a website which says he died on the 19th May 1919 (1).

However, according to Flowers' (in his biography of list in his translation (note number 25)) a less reliable source (J.W. Nagl and J. Zeidler 3rd volume of "Deutsch-Österreichische Literaturgeschichte", Vienna: Fromme, 1937) on page 1935 says he died in Vienna on May 21st 1919.

Although it has been 30 years (2007) since Goodrick-Clarke undertook this research (including List' death in his book "the Coccult Roots...") he has personally informed me that he cannot do more thanb explain his sourcs. He says that:

"Phillip Stauff, one of List's closest friends and supporters, was a resident in Berlin-Lichterfelde and one might assume in contact with List while List travelled via Berlin to Langen.  Stauff wrote the obituary for his friend which was published on 24 May 1919 in the "Muenchener Beobachter" (which was published by Rudolf von Sebottendorff and later acquired as the Nazi Party newspaper).  Short of a death certificate, this is the closest record (in time and acquaintance) that I could use for List's death, a date corroborated in other sources, as you have noted.  I think it unlikely Stauff was ignorant of the exact day, but misprints are always possible and such would be repeated." (Personal email)




I am pleased to announce that today I received in the mail 2 excellent copies of Guido von List's Birth certificate from the book keepers of the church that he was registered with. Now, I will scan these ASAP and release them here and on the website for those that are interested. I am also getting the actual photo's sent to me tomorrow via email so I will also release these. For now, please view (click image to enlarge) this photo I have recently taken:


The below are images of Guido von List's gravesite. Cremated in Leipzig and his urn then buried in Vienna Central Cemetery, Zentralfriedhof , on the 8th of October 1919 in the gravesite KNLH 413 - Vienna's largest and most famous cemetery (including the graves of Beethoven , Brahms , Schubert and Strauss.) in Vienna's 11th district of Simmering. Since the grave is within a building that may be locked, you should contact the cemetery administration situated at the main entrance (Tor 2)of the Central Cemetery if you wish to pay a visit to the grave. Philipp Stauff wrote an obituary which appeared in the Münchener Beobachter .



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