
"Quite simply, just because the media don't respond does not, for one minute, mean that their is nothing going on!” – Karl Sans-Gürgen Linder

“That of which is neither easily understood nor comprehensible to the vast and increasingly imprudent majority, and is not of the median, is often through ignorance and genuine fear of that unknown - ridiculed and mocked. What is not understood by the obtuse and injudicious is feared and through this fear, the ignorant deride and scorn the given subject and its author. Though it is a natural reaction from the ignorant and unfortunate majority of people with a baseless and meaningless existence - to make themselves feel at one with the sheepish herd and to give themselves a sense of importance and value - it should be of comfort to the initiated to be a participant in that which is of a higher and great plain of spiritual and mystical consciousness.” – Karl Sans-Gürgen Linder

"True ‘Magick', as opposed to ‘magic', is the ability to effect change in accordance with ones own ‘True Will', by harnessing, through ceremonial ritual, Natures energies through a fire-storm of internal might, self-realisation and supreme empowerment." - Victor Ordell L. Kasen, <M> - agi -<cK'>

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

"Try everything out without bias or preconceived ideas, and hold on to whatever works best." - Karl Spiesberger, ' Der erfolgreiche Pendel-Praktiker .'

"One must flee those places where life throbs and seek out lonely spots untouched by human hand in order to lift the magic veil of nature" - Guido von List, ' Deutsch Mythologische Landschaftsbilder ', 1st volume, P. 125.

"Now, because men of our contemporary age are caught up in the ascetic view of a life-denying religious system, but in spite of this cannot deny the primal laws of nature, a distorted morality had to be developed, which spreads hypocritical appearances over hidden actions. This has brought to a head all those outward forms of modern life, whose vacuousness and corruption are now beginning to disgust us." - Guido von list, ' Das Geheimnis der Runen

"We are and always will be connected to Mother Earth. We are a part of Nature and therefore subject to Natures eternal laws. Harnessing these perpetual truths, and utilising them in accordance with ones True Will, well, that is real <M> - agi -<cK'>" - Victor Ordell L. Kasen, <M> - agi -<cK'>

"A star is extinguished, another will begin to shine - thus it is written in the Book of Nature" - Guido von list, ' Der Ubesiegbare

Know'st thou how one shalt carve and cut them,
Know'st thou how one shalt rede, expound and attest them.
Know'st thou how one shalt stain and mark them,
Know'st thou how one shalt understand, seize and trial them.
Know'st thou how one shalt evoke and ask them,
Know'st thou how one shalt sacrifice, offer and use them.
Know'st thou how one shalt send and convey them,
Know'st thou how one shalt slaughter, consume and grasp them.

- Hávamál, Rúnatáls-tháttr-Odhins - Victor Ordell L. Kasen.

“Hail to he that's speaks with righteous tongue
and to those that listen with open ears, Hail!
May whoever learns and takes heed of these words flourish
and prosper because of them!
Hail to those who hearken!”

- Hávamál, Rúnatáls-tháttr-Odhins– Victor Ordell L. Kasen

"Where you recognise evil, speak out against it, and give no truces to your enemies."
- Havamal, Edda



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