Carrying the Flag

Do not carry the flag in a parade by the edges (flat) or attached to a pole along the top.

Many Flag bearers Two flag bearers Three Flag Bearers

TWO-FLAG CEREMONY (to a podium, stage etc.)

Down the aisle:  The American Flag is on the right, the World or Troop Flag is on the left. As the guards are coming up the aisle, they are following their bearers. (See Color Guard Information)

In front of the stage:  The American Flag bearer with guard following goes to the right and up the steps, crossing to the opposite side of the stage. When crossing the stage, the American Flag passes in front of the World or Troop Flag. Use the same commands used when the colors are posted.  The American Flag is posted in the stand at the audience left (last), the World or Troop flag is posted in the audience right.

When the Color Guard is dismissed, the American Flag (this is removed first) - bearer and guard leave by steps to the audience left: the World or Troop Flag bearer leave by step to the audience right.


Formation Same as two-flag ceremony. American Flag on the right, World Flag in the middle and Troop Flag on the left.

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