Forever Young

Through distant mists of memories,
I hear them call my name;
Those who served beside me,
On a battleground of pain.

Nothing left but memories,
Of those forever young;
Lives that ended suddenly,
What would they have become?

What price they paid for freedom,
The sacrifice untold;
Yet, here they are in memories,
Not one will 'ere grow old.

For I shall keep their names alive,
Until my flame is gone;
Then pass the torch to those who will,
Remember....The Forever young.
Allison Chambers Coxsey

I received a letter from a dear Vet friend of mine...
This site caused his heart to recall those who would
be "Forever Young." I wrote this poem for my Papa Willy
and all the Willy's out there who pass the torch of
remembering on to the next generation...
(used with permission)

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