Index of /flaipe/photo_gallery

      Name                    Last modified       Size  Description

[DIR] Parent Directory 07-May-2009 03:17 - [TXT] Photogalleryindex.htm 02-Oct-2001 07:02 1k [SND] 02-Oct-2001 07:02 2k [TXT] Foto.txt 02-Oct-2001 07:34 3k [   ] oButton.class 02-Oct-2001 07:02 3k [IMG] 0009_small.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:07 9k [IMG] 0010_small.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:06 13k [IMG] 0013_small.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:05 13k [IMG] 0021_small.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:03 13k [IMG] 0012_small.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:06 14k [   ] webAlbum.class 02-Oct-2001 07:02 15k [IMG] 0018_small.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:03 15k [IMG] 0016_small.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:04 16k [IMG] 0009_big.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:07 36k [IMG] 0012_big.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:06 46k [IMG] 0010_big.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:07 53k [IMG] 0021_big.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:03 54k [IMG] 0018_big.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:04 62k [IMG] 0016_big.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:05 66k [IMG] 0017_big.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:04 82k [IMG] 0013_big.jpg 02-Oct-2001 07:06 90k

  webAlbum v1.1
  Copyright (C) 1998-2000                             Mario L. Mueller


 Please read the following terms and conditions, carefully, before
 using this software. Unless there has been a different license
 agreement signed by Mario L. Mueller (the "AUTHOR") your use,
 distribution, or installation of this copy of webAlbum on your
 web site indicates your acceptance of this License Agreement.

 If you do not agree with any of the terms of this License Agreement,
 do not install, distribute, or use this copy of webAlbum.

 This software, and all accompanying files, data, and materials,
 are distributed "AS IS" and with no warranties of any kind, whether
 express or implied. Good data processing procedure dictates that any
 program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying
 on it.

 In no event shall the AUTHOR or his affiliates be liable for any 
 incidental, consequential, or punitive damages whatsoever relating 
 to the use of webAlbum, or your relationship with the AUTHOR.

 Though this software has been thoroughly examined and tested, the AUTHOR
 makes no guarantees with how the software is intended to perform for
 its users. No warranties are made if the resulting outcome
 is unsatisfactory to its users or the site administrator. Use this
 software at your own risk.

 The AUTHOR grants the site administrator the right to host this software
 on their web site at no cost, ONLY IF the site administrator and its
 organization is not making profit from the use of webAlbum. In the case
 that the administrator is running a commercial based organization,
 webAlbum may be evaluated for up to 30 days from its first day
 of use, to which a licensed copy must be obtained from the author
 for continuing usage thereafter.

 Licensed copies of webAlbum CANNOT be hosted on sites other than the
 site the copy was licensed for. Giving out and using licensed 
 copies and license information to and from other people who have not 
 registered with the AUTHOR would be a violation of 
 this License Agreement.


 webAlbum is an online, electronic photo album designed for use
 with personal and corporate web pages. Do you have an enormous
 number of pictures on your web site? webAlbum will take a series 
 of photographs and allow you to display them, flipbook style, on a 
 single page for easy viewing.

 webAlbum was created for the need of an attractive method of
 displaying pictures without having to make HTML pages for each image.
 The Java applet is relatively simple to install; depending
 on your knowledge of web design and Java applets.

 Best of all, non-profit organizations may use webAlbum at absolutely 
 no cost. Additional features and licenses for commercial users can
 be obtained by supporting webAlbum with a very small donation. Please 
 see the LICENSING section for more information on additional
 features and licensing.

 For instructions on installing webAlbum on your web site, please
 continue reading. For additional assistance and album 
 demonstrations, please visit the support site for webAlbum 


 Just as any other Java applet, webAlbum must be installed through
 the use of an HTML document. Create or open the HTML document that
 you wish to install webAlbum in, and include the following lines
 of HTML code:

   <APPLET CODE="webAlbum.class" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=350>
    <PARAM NAME="Album" VALUE="fishing.albm">

 The above example embeds webAlbum as a 350x350-sized Java applet
 in the current HTML document using the album named "fishing.albm".
 It is EXTREMELY important that "webAlbum.class" be entered using
 the case shown. Java is case sensitive, so entering "webalbum.class"
 with a lowercase 'A' may not work. (Unless the standards have
 changed ...)

 It is not required to install webAlbum in the same directory as your
 HTML documents. In fact, most administrators prefer to keep their
 Java applets in a designated directory. The following example
 demonstrates how this is done:

   <APPLET CODE="webAlbum.class" 
           CODEBASE="" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=350>
    <PARAM NAME="Album" VALUE="fishing.albm">

 This example defines "" to be the
 base URL for where the "webAlbum.class" code is stored. Modify this
 path to fit your needs.


 There are several parameters that webAlbum has which allow
 you to customize the behavior and display of the applet. Each of 
 these are outline below:

   Parameter       Values     Description
   --------------  ---------  ---------------------------------------------
   Album           URL        Associated album file [Required]
   ImageBuffering  On / Off   Buffer images ahead of time?
   Target          Window     Default Target Window or Frame for Hyperlinks
   Next            Text       Show: Next
   Previous        Text       Show: Previous
   Of              Text       Show: of
   Idle            Text       Show: Ready.
   ClickNext       Text       Show: Next Picture
   ClickPrevious   Text       Show: Previous Picture
   ClickPicture    Text       Show: Download Picture
   LoadingImage    Text       Show: Loading image ...
   LoadingAlbum    Text       Show: Loading album
   Moment          Text       Show: One moment, please ...

 Most of these parameters can be used to modify the text which
 webAlbum displays to its users. This is helpful for people who
 wish to use webAlbum in a language other than English.

 ImageBuffering causes webAlbum to queue each of the album images
 ahead of time, so that they are loaded in the background while the
 user flips through the album. This can save time with albums that
 contain a significant number of pictures. ImageBuffering is a
 special feature that is available only in the fully licensed copy of
 webAlbum. Licenses can be obtained by sending a small donation
 to the author. Please see the LICENSING section for more 
 information on getting a fully licensed copy of webAlbum.


 In addition to creating HTML files, you will need to upload webAlbum
 somewhere on your server. webAlbum is made up of two classes, both
 being: "webAlbum.class" and "oButton.class". Each of these classes 
 should reside in the same directory and must be uploaded using the
 exact case shown. Java is case sensitive, and extremely 
 picky. Using any other file names may cause an error when running 
 the applet.

 A third file, "", is optional. Upload this file if you
 have sound enabled in your albums. *.AU files are audio files
 supported by Java. You may change the sound played by the webAlbum
 applet by modifying this file. See the CREATING SOUNDS section
 for details on how this is done.

 Any album files you create must be uploaded to the same directory
 as the applet. This is where webAlbum looks for them. Images,
 on the other hand, may reside outside the applet's directory as
 long as they are found on the same server. 

 * Note: You may specify the base URL for your images in the album 
         files, on line 9. Or, you may use direct paths containing 
         the filename and path for each picture, if your images are
         located in more than one location.

 Continue reading for details on creating album files.


 webAlbum uses "album files" to define the images shown by the
 applet. Each album is made up of a title, color scheme, and a set of
 URLs pointing to the images to be displayed in the album.

 Due to security reasons, typical Java applets are restricted to
 accessing files that are found on the same server as the applet
 is stored on. So, whichever server you have decided to upload
 webAlbum to MUST be the same server where your pictures are stored.

 Creating an album file is relatively simply. You may use a basic
 text editor, such as vi, lse, DOS edit, or Windows Notepad. Use the
 following structure to assist you with creating your album file:

    Line   Values      Description                 Default
    -----  ----------  --------------------------  -----------
    1      Text        Title                       None
    2      RGB/Hex     Background color            eeeeee
    3      RGB/Hex     Border color                cccccc
    4      RGB/Hex     Color of corners            none
    5      RGB/Hex     Title color                 000000
    6      RGB/Hex     Text color                  000088
    7      RGB/Hex     Button label color          000088
    8      Courier     Default Font                Helvetica
           Dialog                                  None
    9      URL         Base path for graphics      None
    10     Yes / No    Enable sound?               Yes
    11     Yes / No    Slideshow mode?             No
    12     Integer     Delay interval in seconds   10
    13     Overlay     Button style
    14     Integer     Number of Pictures          0
    [...]  URL         Picture URLs

 Lines beginning with a semi-colon are ignored by the webAlbum
 applet, and therefore may be used as comments. In addition, any
 blank lines are skipped. (Careful with these)

 To create your first album, use the sample file included 
 with the distribution package as a template. Then use your newly
 created albums as templates to create newer ones.

 If you are a user of the Windows operating system, a free, compact,
 and handy editor is available for modifying album files. Using
 the editor is convenient for setting the color values, rearranging 
 image order, and writing picture captions. Visit the support site 
 of webAlbum to download a copy of this editor. Editors for other 
 platforms, such as UNIX, will be available if demand for such
 a tool exists.

 Changing the colors used by webAlbum is an option available in the
 fully licensed copy of webAlbum. Licenses can be obtained by sending 
 a small donation to the author. Please see the LICENSING section 
 for more information on getting a fully licensed copy of webAlbum.

 Once you have finished making your album files, you will need to
 upload them to your web server. When uploading, make sure your 
 album files are stored in the same directory as the Java applet.


 To change the clicking sound that is played by the webAlbum
 applet, use a sound editing program such as "Sound Forge". Optionally,
 you may turn the sound off by disabling this setting in your
 album files.

 When creating sounds, you must use Sun's (AU) audio format--which
 is the only file type supported by Java v1.02 applets. Files can
 only be sampled at 8,000Hz, and must be saved as 8-bit mono files.
 If you have difficulties finding a program that supports *.AU files,
 visit Sun's web site for utilities that convert WAV files to AU.

 It is very important to append approximately 3/4 of second of
 silence to the end of your sound. Sounds that end abruptly are 
 often truncated by the browser if the user pushes the mouse
 button several times. Appending a silence will ensure your sounds
 are played properly


 webAlbum has the capability of associating hyperlinks to its
 images. This feature allows webAlbum to point to other sites, 
 pages, and images when the user clicks on a picture. Such a feature
 can come in handy when wanting to use webAlbum as a menu system
 where clicking on a picture would bring up another web site,
 an enlarged photograph, or even a video.

 To associate a hyperlink with an image, simply append the URL
 destination to the end of the picture URL in your album file,
 like so:

   fish.jpg | My Fish | info.html

 In addition, you may specify what is shown in the browser
 status bar when the user's mouse is overlaying the image. By
 default, webAlbum shows the URL. To set the status bar, append
 the desired message to the end of the picture URL in your album
 file, like so:

   fish.jpg | My Fish | info.html | More about my fish

 Frame support is also available, allowing you to designate target 
 windows, frames, or browsers by providing the target name in
 the URL, delimited with an equal sign:

   fish.jpg | My Fish | info.html = another | More about my fish

 This causes webAlbum to load info.html in the frame, browser, or
 window named "another". Also: since captions are still optional,
 the case may arise that you would want to use Associated Hyperlinks
 without a picture caption. To use the example, shown above, without a
 picture caption, use "None":

   fish.jpg | None | info.html = another | More about my fish

 To learn about using JavaScript function calls as an Associated
 Hyperlink, continue reading.


 Using JavaScript with webAlbum is nice for creating pop-up 
 windows as your associated links. JavaScript communication with 
 the webAlbum applet is supported by using Netscape's LiveConnect 
 Java library. In order for JavaScript to be supported, the
 following conditions must be met:

   * Your user must have JavaScript support
   * Your user must have JavaScript enabled
   * webAlbum will need MAYSCRIPT permision

 To give webAlbum permission to communicate with JavaScript,
 you must include the MAYSCRIPT tag in your APPLET definition
 block, like so:

   <APPLET CODE="webAlbum.class" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=350 MAYSCRIPT>
    <PARAM NAME="album" VALUE="cars.html">

 This is a Java security requirement. Once you have given webAlbum
 the permission to use JavaScript, you will be able to 
 use 'javascript:functionCall()' URLs as your Associated Hyperlinks
 to access your JavaScript code.

   fish.jpg | My fish | javascript:popup() | More about my fish

 The above line calls the JavaScript function named popup() and
 displays "More about my fish" in the status bar.


 Thank you for your interest in webAlbum. Non-profit organizations
 have the right to use webAlbum for free, with absolutely no cost.
 Commercial organizations, or anyone who would profit from the use of
 webAlbum, must obtain a fully licensed copy by making a small
 donation. This, in turn, supports the efforts put forth in the 
 webAlbum project, made by the author.

 Aside from the need of commercial use, there are some additional
 features which are available in the fully licensed version of
 webAlbum that may be of interest to non-profit organizations. They
 are listed below:

     Extended Feature      Description
     --------------------  ------------------------------------------
   - Image buffering       Loading of pictures in the background
                           while users browse the album (explained
                           in CONFIGURATION section of this file)
   - Color configurations  Ability to change the colors of the
                           album displayed by the applet
   - Seemlessness          Removes applet "Copyright" information
                           on browser status bar for seemlessness

 Please visit the webAlbum support site to download a copy of the
 latest licensing form at:

 Your support is greatly appreciated!

 HISTORY: webAlbum

 05.26.2000 v1.1 - Added associated hyperlinks. Pictures can now have
                   hyperlinks associated with them. This feature is handy
                   when using webAlbum as a menu system.
                   Alternatively, you could use webAlbum as a
                   gallery to display a collection of thumbnail images
                   and have each associated hyperlink point to a larger
                   version of the picture or maybe even a video.
                 - Added captions for associated hyperlinks. webAlbum
                   will show the URL in the status bar if an image has
                   an associated hyperlink. This new feature allows you
                   to show something other than the hyperlink, such
                   as "Click for enlargement ...".
                 - Added target specification. Now you can specify the
                   target window where webAlbum will show its downloaded
                   pictures or associated URLs. This can be useful when
                   working in frames, or if you'd like to create a
                   pop-up browser for associated hyperlinks.
                 - Removed getParameterInfo() support to decrease
                   webAlbum.class file size by 1,100 bytes. This query
                   is hardly used and such information can be obtained
                   from the README.txt file. A simple trick to keep
                   webAlbum as small as possible.
                 - Added slideshow support. You can now use webAlbum
                   in Slideshow Mode to display your images in timed
                   intervals. This is handy when using webAlbum for
                 - Added button configuration. Choose from three
                   different styles: overlay, frozen, or none.
                   Overlay buttons are what webAlbum uses by default,
                   frozen buttons will show buttons without
                   animations, and "None" will show nothing, of course.
 05.18.2000 v1.0 - Removed sever security. This was written to prevent
                   other people from grabbing webAlbum while it was in
                   its development stages.
                 - Implemented image buffering. Images can be loaded in
                   the background while the user browses other pictures.
                 - Added audio support. You can play sounds when the
                   user clicks on one of webAlbum's buttons, such as a
                   click or maybe a camera sound.
                 - Removed URL checking. This speeds up image loading
                   tremendously! It should be the administrator's
                   responsibility to make sure the URLs point to files
                   that exist. webAlbum will only report errors for
                   improperly formed URLs.
                 - Added configurable displays. This is handy for using
                   webAlbum in a language other than English.
 01/10/1999 v0.5 - Fixed the "Loading image ..." so it stays centered as it
                   is loading the photograph.
                 - "Mouse overlay" buttons were not reacting very quickly on
                   slower computers, since the paint() method has to do so
                   much. The paint() method now paints the buttons
                   BEFORE it updates its display and after the
                   displays. This makes them -appear- faster, at least.
                 - Added a "Loading album ..." status to the initial start
                   of the applet, so the user doesn't get confused while
                   waiting at a blank screen.
                 - Added the ability to specify a "base path" which
                   webAlbum will look at for graphics. Optionally, you can
                   disable this feature by specifying "none" as the base
                   path. In which case, webAlbum will look in the document
                   base path, if no path is specified with the graphic file.
                 - Added color configuration. You can now change the colors
                   that webAlbum displays when drawing the album.
                 - Added corners. Corners are optional and can be
                   activated but specifying a RGB/Hex value in the album
                   file. Borders are also optional, now, as well.
 11.10.1998 v0.1 - webAlbum was born.

 HISTORY: webAlbum Editor

 05.26.2000 v1.1 - Fixed serialization. When files were saved, image
                   filenames without captions would show up with
                   a bunch of extra spaces.
                 - Changed picture editing. When adding pictures, the
                   new default filename is now "< Filename or URL >"
                   instead of just "< Filename >". This is to advertise
                   that images can be specified as full URLs too--not
                   just filenames alone.
                 - Added associated hyperlink support. Additional fields
                   were created to allow configuration for the new
                   associated hyperlinks feature.
                 - Changed picture editing. When editing pictures, the
                   "Edit" button now says "Change" instead. This makes
                   more sense to me.
                 - Changed picture editing. You can now double-click in
                   the image list to "Edit" a specific picture, instead
                   of having to click on the "Edit" button each time.
 05.18.2000 v1.0 - webAlbum Editor was born.
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