Merry Meet

I made this room as a place where all people
could come in peace and chat, share ideas,
and get to know other pagans/wiccan.

no foul language, scrolling,
or being disrespectful of others beliefs

Thank You

The Sabbats

This page is still growing.
I am working on getting together schedualed chats.
What I would like is to have volunteers to host the chats.
What I invision is weekly chats hosted by different people each week.
The topic to be something close to their heart or of intrest to them.
I will be adding a guest book to the page.
If you wish to host or have other suggestions please do so there.

Please visit my home and
visit my friends pages

I have gotten so many links
I felt it easier to add a links page. ~_~

Just click the star below
Please remember
to bookmark this page before you leave

Magickal Melting Pot.{Earth religion 's Chat Page}

I am surprised and pleased to say
that this site has won an award for excellence.
The folks at the magickal melting pot have honored my site with this award. Thank you for your kindness.

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