Admittedly, I don't have many pictures yet. He's a hard man to capture. But be on the lookout for more when I find them. BTW, I don't own any of these pictures, so if the rightful copywrite owner happens by this page, sorry, please be kind and don't sue. (And, of course, I'll take the pictures down if you want) Thanks. Also, any picture you see surrounded by a film frame is courtesy Nobody's excellent Internet Graffiti site. These are only a sample of what she's got there.

Click on any image to see a larger version

Paul Garvey portrait

From May 2003 issue of Razor magazine, courtesy Leslie once again

Scene and poster from "Identity"

From the July 13, 2002 Metrodome Twins/Rangers game, on the field for batting practice. The first one is John and Bryan Stoeck (who these pictures are courtesy of), and the second one is John, Bryan, and Mike (of Gangster Folk). Thanks again Bryan!

From GQ's February 2002 party, found by Leslie on As I've said before, Leslie rocks:

From Theatre L'Homme Dieu's July 2001 production of "Harvey" (photos courtesy Rebecca Webb, University of Minnesota, Morris):

From the Echo Press article:

From "Hardball" (the first one is courtesy Bryan, and is from the set):

From "The Perfect Storm" (the last one is courtesy Bryan Stoeck):

From "The Practice: Liberty Bells":

From "Where's Marlowe?":

More Pictures


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