MY TOP TEN HAREM! - continued!
BACK TO #'s 1 to 5!

#8 QUASIMODO - Disney's Hunchback of Notre-Dame

I think Quasimodo is such a sweetie! I love his voice. (TOM HULCE RULES!) He is shy and gentle. That attracts me like a magnet! Some people think I'm wierd because they are like - he is UGLY! I don't think his looks matter. He has such a beautiful spirit. I love everything about him. I'd want to snuggle him any day. He looks like a terrific hugger! ^_~
#10 RAPHAEL - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

I've liked this guy for for the longest time, since I was around 7 or 8 - and so he gets the award for longest animated crush ever! I thought he was funny and I loved his attitude. I didn't start to actually crush on him until I saw the live action movie though. I love his weapon the 'sai', and if I ever take Martial Arts someday, I wanna specialise in training with them! ^__^ I will always have a soft spot for my Raph.
# 9 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG - Sonic videogames/ cartoons

I am so nuts for Sonic! I've had a crush on him since he first appeared in 1991! He holds the record for one of my oldest crushes ever. I've collected the comics, watched the TV shows and even like Chili dogs like he does! (and they are GOOD too!) His fun loving attitude is  a nice quality - if there was anything that I wouldn't like it would be his extreme short patience. He can tend to be obnoxious but that's one thing that makes him so cute! Watching him tap his foot and go "I'm waaaaaaiiiiiting" is just too funny.
# 6 CHICHIRI/ HOUJUN LI - Fushigi Yugi

Chichiri is a wonderful character - providing wisdom and support for the other characters of FY and also a good dose of comedic relief in a very dramatic series. He's a mage and tends to 'chibi' often. Despite a tragedy in his past, he is a relaxed and spiritual character with a big heart. Without his mask on - he is still a very attractive individual despite his scar over his left eye.

I've always had Raiden as a favorite character from the get go. It's been a long time that I've been a huge fan of Mortal Kombat - probably sinec MK 1 or 2 came out. I love his flashy lightning attacks. In the movies (the first one especially) his character is dry with a witty sarcasm that I really like. I also enjoyed his portrayal in the TV series MK: Conquest. It was too bad that series ended before the season finale was completed. D'oh! I admire Raiden's wisdom and strength and his care for Earth Realm and his human companions.
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