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A Mother's Advice From Personal Experience
Though being new parents is a big adjustment, and a couple have big lifestyle changes, the key is to enjoy the new baby!  Also, it is important to remember how to play!  It's not hard, really!  All you have to do is think back to when you were a kid, and get down there on the floor, and play with the baby!  It's so much fun, and it will keep you young, and babies thrive on the lovey attention!  And most important of all, by playing with your baby, and you and baby enjoying each other's company, you teach your baby two most important lessons - what love is, and how to make friends - the two most important lessons of a baby's life!
Many new parents are baffled about a newborn baby's cries, and don't know quite what to do, and they lose sleep in the process.  When I had my daughter, I had six years of previous experience caring for other peoples' newborns, and I was pretty smug, thinking I knew what every different cry meant.  When my daughter was born, I had a big suprise!  Brand new babies, less than two months old,have just one standard cry for everything!  (This is because a brand-new born baby does not yet know how to cry in different ways to let you know what they want, as they do not yet understand what they want.)  So for the first two months after the baby is born, and they still have the "one-cry-fits-all", you have to guess what they want, by going down the checklist:
1.): are they hungry?
2.): wet diaper or messy diaper?
3.): need burping?
4.): too warm or cold?
5.): And the most important one of all -
baby is just lonely and wants love!
This was one of my very favorite things to do when my daughter was little, and something babies can never get too much of!  Babies thrive on love!  Babies need picking up, holding, hugging and being rocked!  Being loved is as essential to babies as food!  It is proven fact that babies will not thrive and be healthy if they do not get enough love.  Babies are not born knowing anything about love - they need to be taught what love is, by mama and daddy!
Sometimes a mom has too much on her hands, with not enough help with the children, and could use a hand from her hubby!
It's always good to take family trips!  Getting the family out of the house to go and do something fun together is essential!  It doesn't have to be a long vacation either - if gas is too expensive, and you're on a tight budget, there are less expensive ways to get out together, like going on family bike rides (One of our family favorites!), taking the family to a local park for a picnic (Another one of our family favorites!), take day trips places not too far from home, like a zoo, museums, libraries, an amuusement park, a drive in the country, go to a cider mill, etc., to name a few ideas, and a really great idea - take the family camping, or to a cottage on a lake!  camping or a cottage on a lake are the very best kind of family bonding vacations!
When mom needs a break from the kids, this is the perfect time for dad to take over, and play with the kids, and let mom have a chance to do something to pamper herself, like take a nice long bubblebath, or go get her hair done, etc.!
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Sometimes babies and older kids are "fussy eaters", and this technique is "tried-and-true"!  (Worked for me!)
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