
Title: Comfort

Author: Rebecca

Pairing: James/Jason

Rating: PG-13 for bad language

Archiving permission: My site, HMFF, anyone else ask

Disclaimer: I really wish this happened

Summary: James is not having a good day so Jason makes him feel better. This is during the �Black� album. It�s a snuggle-fest!

Author�s note: getting clunked in the head by a flying showerhead really happened to me and I had a lovely bruise on my head for almost two weeks!

James Hetfield was not a happy camper. His car had broken down half way to the studio so he decided to walk. But about a block away from the studio it had started to rain and he got soaked. And if that wasn�t bad enough some moron splashed him so he was even wetter (if that was possible).

Once in the studio he heard a familiar sound of Jason practicing in the break room. Normally James would have gone to listen to some of the tracks from the day before; but right now he was cold, wet, and needed somebody to bitch at about life in general. So he hunted the sound to its source.

�Hi James,� greeted Jason with his normal enthusiasm, �what the fuck happened to you?�

�What does it look like happened to me,� he snapped as he poured a cup of coffee. As he picked up the cup the handled broke and sent its contents over his clothes.

�FUCK, FUCK, FUCK,� James snarled as he stalked off to the bathroom. Jason followed trying hard not to incur the wrath of the Attila the Het by snickering.

�Here,� Jason said as he handed James a towel, �do you have any dry clothes?�

�Yeah in my car.�

�Where is it?�

�It broke down half way here. And before you ask my robe is in my car too, I did a load of laundry.�

�The Almighty Hetfield washed his clothes without being threatened, I am impressed.�

�Newkid if you want all your teeth still in your head shut the fuck up!� Jason grinned and went out to where their had their lockers.

�You can use my robe so your clothes can get wash,� as he went though his locker.

�Thanks man,� replied James as he stripped out of his clothes, �are there any more towels?�

�Should be in the closet.� James dug out another out and got into the shower.

�Robe is on the counter,� Jason said in a voice loud enough to be heard over the running water.

�Thanks again Jason,� called James as the bassist emptied out the pockets of the jeans and took them with the rest of the clothes to the laundry room. James was happily humming as the water flowed over him, but as he reached to turn off the water the showerhead flew off and clunked him in the head.

�Shit,� roared James as he yanked the handle to turn off the water.

�What now?� called Jason as he cleaned up the coffee on the sideboard.

�The fucking showerhead came off and hit me in the head,� snarled James as he stepped out off the shower, only to have his right foot catch the bottom track and send him flying into the wall.

�James are you trying to fucking kill yourself in there,� asked Jason as he walked to the bathroom.

�Hahaha very funny Newsted,� came the answer as James tried to catch his breath. Jason quietly entered, took the robe, and wrapped it around the uncomfortable lead singer. He then pulled James close and started to rock him in an easy motion while stroking his long blond wet hair.

�What the fuck are you doing?�

�Shh just relax,� whispered Jason as he started to message James� throbbing temples, who in turned squirmed around till he figured out it felt pretty good, and leaned on Jason.



�Come on and lay down on the couch,� Jason said as he stood up.

�Alright, but only if you keep rubbing my head,� James mumbled as he tugged on the robe. Jason smiled and pulled James to his feet. As they went into the room Jason dimmed the lights, placed the cordless phone beside the couch, sat down, and held out his arms.

�Come here,� he said in a soothing voice. James nearly leapt into the out stretched arms seeking both protection from a bad day and the sense of comfort the tranquil rubbing brought.

�Shh relax. You�ll feel better in a while I promise,� mumbled Jason as he gently started to message and stroke James� head. James in turn gave him a surprisingly shy smile, closed his eyes, and fell asleep with Jason quietly keeping the bad day at bay.


Sorry about the lame ending but I ran out of steam to make it any better.


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