
Title: Hope

Author: Rebecca

Pairing: ?/?, implied James/Jason and Kirk/Lars

Rating: R for implied for m/m (A little harsh but better safe than sorry)

Archiving permission: My site, anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: No disrespect to anyone mentioned. This only happened in my twisted mind. Also be gentle with comments, this is my first story (maybe the first in a series).

Summary: POV of one person�s love for another who doesn�t know. Or does he?

Why do I keep beating myself up over him? I�ll never have the nerve to tell him how I feel. I can only hope to keep working with him as a friend and nothing more. More than once I�ve caught myself staring at him when he is working with the others as they work out some music; or when he is curled up on the couch taking a nap.

I think that sometimes if I had Kirk and Lars� nerve I would say something to him (or show him like Lars did to Kirk in the elevator). I�ve walked in on them a couple of times when they where in the bathroom together (come on guys that�s why there is a lock on the door).

Or the courage Jason had to have when he told the Almighty Hetfield how he felt about him when we were working on the �Black Album�. I still remember the look of utter bliss on both of their faces when they came in the next day. Once in a great while (if I am quiet enough) I see them just holding each other in the brake room.

All right maybe I am a little jealous of the fact that everyone I know has someone to love but me. And That I home alone contemplating my existence; all because of a man that I love but can never have because he doesn�t see me like that.


�Be there in a minute,� I shouted as I walked to and opened the door; and nearly dropped dead from shock.

�Hey Bob. Something wrong,� I asked as I tried to keep my breathing under control.

�No. I just needed to talk to you,� he replied as he studied my face.

�Oh. Come on in,� I said as I stepped to the side to let him in. Once he was inside, he closed and locked it.

�What�s up,� I inquired. He gave me a funny look and took my face in his hands and kissed me.


�I love you Randy Staub more than you could ever dream.�



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