Love in the Elevator

Title: Love in the Elevator

Author: Rebecca

Pairing: Kirk/Lars

Rating: NC-17 (come on if it is NC-17 you know what is going to be happening) and swearing

Archiving permission: My site, anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: Tis� a pity none of this really happened. By the way the title comes from the Aerosmith song of the same name.

Summary: The mentioned elevator scene from my first story �Hope�. You know some hotels have those really nice glass scenic elevators that go up the side to reach the penthouse floor.

�Hey! Look at the view!� squeaked Lars as he and Kirk went up the elevator. Outside they could see the cityscape of New Orleans stretched out in front of them. The silty river water of the Mississippi running into the salty water of the bay. In the clear sky they could see gulls flying around looking for their dinner, and below them boats going back and forth.

�Ohh wow. Three whole flights up,� Kirk said in a smart-ass tone, smiling affectionately at his lover. He couldn�t help but shake his head when Lars promptly stuck his tongue out in response.

�Not a bad idea,� murmured Kirk as he pulled Lars into a searing kiss.

�Fucker,� Lars moaned as Kirk gently pushed him against the wall of the elevator. Lars groaned happily as Kirk licked at the side of his neck with cat like strokes. He felt his erection start to rub against his increasingly restrictive pants. As his eyes opened for a split second he realized that they were still in the glass elevator facing the city and he had a hard on that threaten to bust the fly on his pants. �How do I get myself into these situations?� he asked himself while enjoying the attention Kirk was giving to him through his leather pants. But suddenly everything stopped; Lars glared at his lover and asked in a breathless voice: �Why the fuck did you stop?�

�Maybe I just wanted to,� Kirk replied with a smile that could make the devil himself weak at the knees.

�You just wanted to,� asked Lars with his voice giving away how agitated he was getting. Kirk nodded in agreement.

�You just fucking wanted to stop?� asked Lars as his voice dropped a notch, his emerald eyes turning dark with lust. Kirk�s smile became a shit-eating grin as he let Lars back him into a corner.

�Why would you want to stop just as things were starting to get interesting?� whispered Lars as he rubbed Kirk�s throbbing erection through his own leather pants. Kirk gave a whimper as he started to thrust his hips in a slow, undulating motion into Lars� hand.

�What would you do if I stopped?�

�No doubt. I would die from lack of blood going to my brain.� Lars smiled as he undid both his and Kirk�s pants and slid them down around their knees.

�I�m afraid this is going to be a little quicker than we would normally like, but we don�t have much time left,� he muttered into Kirk�s left ear as he tugged on his lover�s earring. With that Kirk stifled the scream of pleasure, as he wiggled intently against Lars� own pulsating erection. Both without much more wanting began a dance that was as natural to them as breathing. Kirk ran his fingers up and down the length of Lars� cock and fondled the heavy sac; all the while Lars mirrored Kirk�s actions with his own. Without a second thought, Kirk dropped to his knees and engulfed Lars whole. Gently as he could he clawed at Kirk�s head, encouraging him to go faster. Kirk chuckled low in his throat and allowed the vibrations to sink into Lars� cock. Lars screamed out Kirk�s name as he came and as their rhythm became more and more desperate. Lars gasped out as the aftershocks of his orgasm rolled though him. He smiled wickedly as he pulled Kirk back to his feet and teased his cock with his agile tongue. Kirk�s head rolled back with a cry of pleasure and he started to buck gently into Lars� warm willing mouth. But it soon came to an end, as Lars gave one last hard suck and swirled his tongue around the head of Kirk�s cock.

�Shit. Come on, love,� said Lars as he tugged Kirk back to his shaky feet, �Two floors before we get to ours.� Just as they hit their floor, Kirk started to giggle. �I didn�t know my love making was so amusing,� pouted Lars.

�Oh, it�s not. Look out the window�� said Kirk as he doubled over laughing. Lars did as he was told and looked. Just across the road, there was an office building with several employees lined up, holding up signs. Some said �10�, while a few were lined up to make �When�s the next show?� Lars started to howl in laughter. Just then, as the laughter continued, the elevator stopped on their floor and Lars quickly did a dip with Kirk, kissing him before the doors opened.

�Bastard,� said Kirk as he adjusted his clothes.

�Yeah but you love me,� Lars replied as they walked down the hall.

�So your room or mine?�

�Don�t know. Which one is facing the office building?�



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