Who Is the Monster and Who Is the Man? Chapter 12

Who Is the Monster and Who Is the Man? (12/?)

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: James/Randy

Ratings: R/NC-17

Archiving Permission: here and my site; anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: Nope never happened but it would make a freaky movie ;-)

Summary: Cliff is a master vampire. Enough said.

I woke with a yawn that threatened to dislocate my jaw. To my surprise, Randy wasn�t still curled in my arms he was standing by the window, carefully peeking out into the fading light. I quickly got up and pulled him away from the faint light. �You can�t go in the sunlight,� I whispered into his ear, as I gently rubbed the left side of his face with the stubble of my beard.


�Don�t whine,� I chuckled as I started to nip at his neck, �It is very unattractive to whine like Lars.�

�I don�t care,� he said with slight pout forming on his lips. �I want to go out in the sunlight.�

�If you go out, you�ll become a pile of ash in ten seconds,� I said as I kissed him on his left cheek.

�When can I go out during the day?� he asked still longingly looking outside.

�About five hundred years.� I felt him wince in my arms. Five hundred years seemed to be a lifetime to a young vampire. �I promise the sun will still be there when you can go out.�

�But it�s such a long time,� he answered sadly.

�No its not. It�s just a flash in the pan.� I turned him around in my arms and gently laid kisses his face for a few moments. �Are you hungry?� He looked up at me and gave a feral smile that does a sire proud. �Come on. Kirk wants to look at your jaw before we go out.� I left Randy in Kirk�s very experienced hands and went up on to the roof to think. For a long time, I sat there just staring off into space. Eventually, my mind started to think on how I first found Randy and how he became my child.

It had been almost seven months ago when I first saw him. You know, I never believed Cliff when he said it was the eyes that would tell you if you were looking at you next child. However, I was wrong. I was coming out a small bar, when I literally ran into somebody. The curse, which was at my lips, faded when I saw the stranger�s eyes.

Those beautiful brown eyes.

I knew who this man would be to me. My first-born.

�I�m sorry,� I said in a soothing voice. �I should�ve watched where I was going.�

�Oh it�s ok,� came the soft timid answer. Those eyes and that voice didn�t seem to belong together. I looked at his face and winced when I saw a black eye looking back at me.

�I hope I didn�t cause that,� I murmured as I gently traced the bruise�s outer most edge. �Because if I did, I would be very pissed with myself.�

He pulled away say, �No you didn�t. I�I walked into a door.�

I frowned a little bit. I knew he was lying, I could smell the slight guilt on him. I quickly changed the topic. �I still feel bad about running into you. How about you let me buy you a drink? It would make me feel better.� Before he could protest, I had my arm around his waist, and had led him back into the bar I had just come out of.

That night I watched him as he went back into his apartment building with a smile on my face but worry in my heart. He should�ve been more cautious around a stranger, but he was happy that someone, anyone, wanted to talk to him.

For almost six months I watched and learned about him. I soon learned that he had a boyfriend that encouraged their friends to rape him nightly. He was too scared to leave, afraid that no one else would want him.

Then I made contact with him again. This time at a small park near where my clan was living. He was sitting on a bench under an oak tree late one night. It was the same tree I mused, that Jason like to sit under when he wrote his poetry.

�Hello again,� I said in a cheerful voice. My smile soon disappeared when Randy looked at me. His face was covered his bruises. But that didn�t stop him from smiling when he saw me.

�Hi James,� he said as stood up with a wince. I knew then and there that if he was going to live I would need to get him away from his abusers and soon.

I pulled him into a friendly embrace and ran my hand down his back in a soothing fashion. �Did you walk into another door tiger?� I asked as I sat down on the bench holding his hand. He looked at me for a minute, a lie forming on his lips as he sat beside me.

�No,� he said suddenly. �My boyfriend beat the shit out of me again.� I was surprised at his truthfulness and then heart broken with what he said next. �But he�s right. I�m just a slut. No one wants me. I should be glad that he wants me.�

I carefully cupped his face and looked him in the eye. �I want you Randy,� I whispered. �I�ve waited a life time for you.�

�A life time?� he whispered.

�Oh yes tiger,� I said as I continued to look at his eyes, feeling my own eyes start to glow, �A life time.� He suddenly relaxed and slowly leaned into me. I closed the gap and kissed him.

He whimpered into my mouth as he slid closer to me. Soon I had a lapful of Randy much to my happiness. Somewhere in my brain I knew that I should be more careful. So I gently detangled myself from his warm and willing body. I saw the hurt in his eyes and I whispered, �You really don�t want to fuck here tiger. You�ll catch a cold.� He looked into my eyes and smiled. I slid him off my lap and stood up grabbing him by the hand. �Come on. There is a place we can go.�

I quickly lead him through a small stand of trees and to a small boathouse that was no longer used. I popped opened the door and looked around. Kirk had done what he said he would. There were candles lit on a small table and a makeshift bed on the floor. I turned too my companion and smiled. �See. You won�t get a cold in here,� I said as I pulled him back into my arms and closed the door behind him.

That night I made him see that there was someone that loved him. We made love through most of the night. However, I had to be careful of his injuries. He was covered with bruises and shallow cuts. I decided to give him something that would help him heal. I slowly sat up, pulling him with me until we were kneeling in front of each other. I started to kiss his right shoulder and laid a line of kisses to the hollow of his neck were it met his shoulder. He was purring like a cat that just had a saucer of warm milk and was now get its stomach rubbed. I smiled when I felt my fangs come out as I gently arched his head back and to the left, exposing his neck.

�I�ve waited a life time Randy,� I whispered just as I sank my teeth into his neck. I heard him moan as I started to slowly suck on his neck. I didn�t feed for more than a minute before pulling back and licking the wound I made. I stop and watched it heal fully before I pulled him back into my arms and settled him against my chest. Once he was in place I opened my mouth and used one on my fangs to prick the tip of my right index finger. I put three drops of my blood into his mouth and watched as he rapidly healed. The bruises melted away and the cuts mended before my eyes.

�How?� he whispered as he carefully felt his face without bruises for the first time in weeks.

�Like I said Randy, I�ve waited a life time,� I answered as I pulled our clothes back to us. �Please be careful Randy. I don�t want to lose you.� He blinked at me but didn�t ask any more questions. I kissed him again after we were dressed and whispered, �Come back here tomorrow night tiger.� He blushed hard as he nodded his head.

I should�ve been more careful. I shouldn�t have kept Randy out all night like I did. His boyfriend and some of his friends had gone out looking for him. I should�ve known that. I should�ve kept him with me. But I didn�t and it almost cost Randy his life.

Randy didn�t come to the boathouse like he should�ve. So, I went out looking for him and I found him at his apartment. He was so badly beaten I thought he was dead. He hands were bound behind his back and his feet where taped tightly together. He was taking slow painful breaths through his mouth, with blood coming out with each breath. I knew if I didn�t do something he was going to die.

I quickly ripped the tape off his hands and feet, and cradled him in my arms. �Please hang on tiger. I can�t lose you,� I said as I pulled his head back and sank my teeth in all the way. After I finished feeding off him, I quickly slit my left wrist and poured blood into his mouth. It took almost ten minutes before he responded, but once he did, he wailed in agony. Despite the transformation, he was still badly injured.

I wrapped him in several blankets and took him to a nearby safe house. I knew Cliff wasn�t going to be very happy about any of this, but fuck, it wasn�t his choice. It was mine.

For the rest of the night and the next day I held him tight in my arms as he cried in pain. Slowly he calmed down and snuggled into my arms looking for comfort and safely, both of which I gave to him gladly.

That night I carried him to the house that I was sharing with my sire and brothers. When I walked in, Cliff promptly asked me, �Where the fuck have you been? We were worried�� He stopped suddenly and looked at Randy and asked, �Who is this?� He then walked over to us where I had put Randy on my bed on the floor.

�This is Randy,� I answered softly as I brushed his black hair out of his face. �This is your first grandchild.�


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