Who Is the Monster and Who Is the Man? Chapter 8

Who Is the Monster and Who Is the Man? (8/?)

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: No pairing

Ratings: PG-13/R

Archiving Permission: here and my site; anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: Nope never happened but it would make a freaky movie ;-)

Summary: Cliff is a master vampire. Enough said.

Kirk and Lars have gone into the other room leaving Randy in my care. He is so very frail; I�m not sure how he has managed to survive this long. He must�ve inherited his strength from the blood of his sire.

I couldn�t help but wonder what was taking the others so long. It couldn�t be that hard to find a meal for Randy. I sighed and pulled Randy, who was still sleeping, into my arms and watched the door.


It turned out that James had a limited ability to foresee the future. That is why he was looking out the window at Kirk�s castle. He knew there was an attack coming but he just couldn�t narrow down the time period for it. That is also, how he knew Lars would be his next brother. After that, Kirk helped him learn how to control the visions and how to recognize signs in them to gage their timeline. So far, James� gift managed to keep us out of a lot of trouble, including The Spanish Inquisition.

However, he hated his gift. Sometimes he saw things that no one should have to endure. I have always wondered how he has kept his sanity when at times his world seems to have crumbled around him. It turned out that the lion turned not only to me for his strength but his brothers as well.

I remember one night in particular that James woke up screaming from a horrific vision. Men, women, and children in the thousands being loaded into buildings and being dragged out after they were killed. It took us most of the day to quiet him down and even then he was a mess that night. He was so badly shaken he couldn�t keep his mind on his hunt. He finally gave up and went back to the deserted cottage where we had been living. To my surprise, Kirk went with him.

When we got back to the hovel, James was asleep in Kirk�s arms. There were still traces of the blood tears running down both of their faces.

�He heard their screams this time,� whispered Kirk once we sat down close to them.

�This time,� asked Lars as he cocked his head to one side, �He has had this dream before?�

�A few times,� replied Kirk as he brushed James� hair out of his face. �But that is how he knows the vision will come true. The more he has it and the more detailed it becomes, all the more likely it will happen.�

�Is there anyway we can stop them,� inquired Jason as he snuggled against Kirk.

�Not without hurting him more,� came the sad answer. �But he is getting better at stopping them. I think this one just snuck up on him.� There was a long pause as we all settled down to sleep when Kirk suddenly said, �That blond man we saw a few nights ago�what was his name?�

�Robert,� I answered from Lars� side, �But he prefers to be called Bob.�

�James has been seeing him for a long time in his visions too. I think you should go and talk to him when you get the chance.�

�All right. Tomorrow after I hunt. Can you make sure James feeds tomorrow night?�

�Not a problem,� came the sleepy answer.

�Sleep well children,� I whispered as they dropped off one by one.

That day James had no visions and was still sleeping when I woke up with Lars nuzzled in my chest. I slowly untangled myself and quietly left the building. However, in minutes I knew someone was following me.

�I thought you were still sleeping little one,� I murmured as I turned around and saw my lion walking towards me.

�You haven�t called me that in centuries,� he answered with a sad smile. I smiled back as I gently pulled him into my arms.

�My mistake then little one,� I said as I kissed him on his forehead.

�Where are you going?�

�I need to go talk to someone.�


I grinned as I answered, �Yes, I need to talk to Bob.�

I remember saying before that Bob is the cautious one and I was not lying about that. He had a distrust of anyone that was a �foreigner� and a �foreigner� was anyone who did not grow up in the village. And did I mention he could be a stubborn bastard at times?

�I was wondering��

�Go away!�

�I just need��

�You just need to go away!� I sighed and resisted the urge to beat my head into the closed door that separated me from Bob. I was starting to think that Kirk and James set me up on this wild goose chase but then the door opened up suddenly.

Those eyes. Those crystal blue eyes.

They weren�t the same as James or Jason�s eyes. James� eyes always had an underlying fire waiting to explode, while Jason�s were calm as a gentle spring.

Bob�s eyes were hard but not from hatred but from long years of hard work in the elements.

�Didn�t you hear me,� he snapped, pulling me out of my �daydream�, �I said go away!�

�I heard you. But my horse has pulled up lame and I was hoping you might have a lantern so I can look at his hoof.�

�Oh. Alright,� he answered softly. It turns out that Bob has a soft spot for animals big and small.

I smiled when he went back into his cottage to get the needed lantern. I knew then that my family was complete.

/ / / / /

Before I could ponder any more of the sweet memories of my children, the door swung open and Bob came in rubbing his jaw.

�Problems,� I asked softly.

�Yeah,� he muttered, �The one James picked out for Randy to feed off put up a fight but Jason clunked him over the head with a brick. They are tying up the guy right now in the other room.� I nodded and Bob slowly sat down beside and played with Randy�s hair.

Why are you looking so surprised all of a sudden?

Oh. The comment about Bob completing my family has you confused.

I thought I told you.

Randy is not my child.


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