Phone Call

Title: Phone Call

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: James/?

Rating: R for swearing and for some implied stuff

Archiving permission: My site, anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: To my knowledge this never happened; to bad, so sad

Summary: James gets a dirty phone call in a meeting.

Notes: I will admit to having an unhealthy liking of meetings. Sometimes ;-)

James muttered under his breath as one person went on and on about equipment lists and the number of people that they would need for the crew for the upcoming tour. �Why the fuck do I have to be here?� he thought to himself as he shifted in his chair. �Oh yeah I remember, because �I have to be here�. God damn Lars and his motor mouth.� He tried to refocus on the discussion, when his cell phone started to vibrate. He rolled his eyes and whispered, �Thank you, saved by the vibrator.� He quickly get up as he excused himself and went around the half wall in the corner as he flipped open the phone. �Hello?�

�Hey handsome. Are you busy?�

�I�m in a meeting��

�Oh good then you aren�t busy.� James chuckled softly as he sat down in the easy chair. �James, can I ask you a question?�

�You just did.�

�I really do hate you sometimes, you know that don�t you?�

�Yep. What�s your question? Because I really should get back to the meeting.�

�Oh yeah, I can hear the excitement in your voice. Are you wearing your leather pants?�


�Those nice tight ones that show off your ass ever so nicely?�


�You know those ones that you wore to that photo shoot that I tagged along. And during the shoot I dragged you off into the bathroom, for what you called a mind blowing�� James� brain started to threaten to stop working as parts of his body started to listen closely. His body remembered that day *very* well.

�Yes those same ones,� he growled softly, mindful of the fact that there was a roomful of people next to him.

�Good. This will be easier with those ones on. Even though you do looking good in tight jeans too,� the voice whispered in a teasing way.

�You are such a bastard you know that don�t you.�

�Funny you weren�t saying that last night when I let you fuck me into oblivion.� James let out a groan, as he slid down slightly in the chair, and glared at his traitorous lower body.

�Yeah I remember last night too. When I had��

�JAMES,� shouted a squeaky voice from the table.

�Shit,� he whimpered when his cock twitched as much as the restricting pants would allow. �What Lars?�

�Are you coming��

�You�re *almost* coming, aren�t you James?� purred the voice into James� ear.

��back to the meeting?�

James squeezed his eyes shut, took a deep breath, and said as smoothly as he could �No. Sorry. I�ve been waiting for this call all day.� Lars muttered something, but quickly returned his attention to the meeting.

�It�s good to know that you waiting all day for me to call.�

�What was I suppose to tell him you cunt? That you and that damn voice of yours has me so jacked up that if I moved I�ll probably kill myself.�

�Heehee poor James. Too bad, I�m not there right now. Then I could take you into the nearest bathroom and��


�Fuck, fuck, fuck!! What now Lars?�

�Tell Kirk to stop throwing tape balls at me.�

�If you two don�t stop, I�ll fucking wrap you two up like mummies in tape!�

�James, I think you need to go home and get fucked senseless for a few hours,� said Kirk with a pout forming on his face.

�Oh yeah, James isn�t that a good idea? Then maybe I�ll tie you down on the bed and keep you to the point of almost coming before I stop and tease you some more. Then listen to you scream for me to fuck you senseless.�

�I got a better idea,� James growled into the phone as he shifted around in his chair in an effort to get the pressure off his cock. �But first, where are you?�

�At work, but getting ready to go home.�

�Heehee. Good. Get your ass there and stay there.�


�Because by the time I�m done with you, you won�t be able to walk straight for a week.�

�Is that a promise James?�

�You fucking better believe it.�



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