Title: Piercings (1/?)

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: James/Randy

Ratings: NC-17

Archiving Permission: here and my site (if I ever get working on it again); anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: This never happened. But damn it I want it to happen

Summary: Somebody gets some piercings done.

Notes: Yes there is piercings being done. If you don�t like, don�t read.

�Ow. How the fuck did I let you talk me into this James?!�

�Randy, you said that if I came with you and held your hand you would get your nipples pierced.�

�I didn�t think you would take me seriously!�

�Well I did. Now sit there and behave or I�ll sit on you.�

�Bastard,� whimpered Randy as he settled back against the cushion and took a deep breath.

The woman came back over, slid a new pair of sterile gloves on and asked, �All set sweetie?�

�As ready as I�ll ever be.� She smiled sweetly and got a new set of instruments out. He winced when he saw the piercing needle and grabbed hold of James� hand.

The red head, who looked like Ginger Spice: the after years, rubbed Randy�s right nipple with antiseptic and gently twisted the nub of flesh till it became hard. Randy bit his lip with a stifled moan and she smiled and asked, �You are a sensitive one, aren�t you?� He nodded quickly. �Then you two better play very nice for the next month or so or it will hurt a lot more.� Randy blushed at the comment. He and James weren�t together. James just came with him for moral support. No, more to watch Randy get tortured but still he was here. The woman glanced up and winked at James, who smiled back.

�Hey Randy?�

�Wha�� Before Randy could finish his question James planted his mouth firmly over his and sucked on his tongue. The woman nearly fell over laughing at the look of complete and utter shock on Randy�s face. She quickly put the needle up to Randy�s nipple and pressed it in; the new piercing was done. However, Randy didn�t even notice. He was too busy with wondering how far down James could get his tongue down his throat.

�Boys? I�m all done. And as much as I would love to watch you two make out, I have other customers waiting.�

�I guess we just have to finish this later then. Right Randy,� asked James as he pulled away and helped him on with his shirt. All Randy could do was nod and follow James out to the parking lot.


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