Title: Piercings (3/?) Actually, it�s a tattoo but its part of the same series.

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: Jason/Kirk

Ratings: NC-17

Archiving Permission: here and my site (if I ever get working on it again); anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: This never happened. But damn it I want it to happen

Summary: Someone gets a tattoo.

�Kirk I don�t wanna get a tattoo,� whined Jason as the smaller man dragged him into a tattoo parlor.

�Jase you said if I found you a tattoo you liked you would get it. And you said that you liked the one I showed you,� insisted Kirk as he pulled Jason to the counter. The huge biker looking man behind the counter looked up and smiled when he saw Kirk.

�Hey Kirk. How have you been man?�

�Great Tony.�

�In for a new tattoo?�

�No. But my friend wants one.�

�Cool. Which one?� Kirk dove into his jacket pocket, pulled out a folder piece of paper, and handed it to Tony. �Hey this is a cool one. Where do you want it,� he asked as he glanced over to Jason.

�I don�t know. I�m thinking about my lower back.�

Tony gave the picture a critical look and nodded. �Yeah. It would look good there. Just black ink?�


�Cool. Come on out back and I�ll set up.� Jason took a deep breath and followed Tony with Kirk at his heels.

�Ouch. Why does it have to hurt so fucking much,� mumbled Jason as he tried to sit in a comfortable position in Kirk�s car.

�Be happy you didn�t have it done on your stomach,� answered Kirk as he drove out of the parking lot. �And remember what Tony said about not rubbing or scratching at it. It�ll rub the ink right out the skin before it settles and the skin heals up.�

�Yeah I know,� said Jason as he tried not to rub the sore spot on his back. �Who made all those doilies in there,� he asked suddenly.

�Oh Tony did.�


�Yeah. You should see the stain glass stuff he has done.�

Jason blinked at that and thought, �How does Kirk meet these people?�

�And by the way Jase. I was thinking��

�Don�t hurt yourself.�

�Shut up smartass.�

�Yeah but you love me.�

Kirk rolled his eyes and said, �I was thinking, how about a piercing?�


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