Snowball Chance in Hell

Title: Snowball Chance in Hell

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: None

Ratings: R-ish I guess for language and an innuendo here and there.

Archiving Permission: here and my site; anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: Never happened, never will. Nevertheless, it would be funny if it did :-)

Summary: What�s a few snowballs between friends?

James was quietly stacking wood neatly beside the backdoor of his mountain cabin while the others were busy �fighting� with each other inside. He snickered when he heard a small shriek and laughter. It was good to hear them all getting along again.

It was about two months after Jason left Echo Brain and that old vibe had started to come back to them. What little fights they had were nothing more than headstrong personalities meeting again and were cleared as quickly as they started. In fact, one of the first fights between himself and Jason ended when they were glaring at each other and broke out laughing at the same time.

�So who knows,� James thought to himself, �maybe all we needed was time apart.� With that pleasant thought, he walked into the cabin to see what his brothers were up to. Almost at once, he was tackled by Lars, who grabbed hold and hid behind him.

�James,� he panted with his eyes wide with �fright�, �they said they are going to throw me outside into a pile of snow. Tell them they can�t do that.�

�Lars you�ll love it,� snickered Kirk as he slowly tried to get around Lars back.

�Fuck off you pussy,� giggled the small Dane who still had a death grip on James� waist and was slowly dragging him outside, still using him as a shield.

�What makes you think that James is going to protect you?� asked Jason as he crept closer.

�Yeah you fucker,� James asked, �what the hell makes you think I�m going to protect you?�

�Because�because�you are my oldest friend in the whole world,� stammered Lars as he quickly released the tall singer from his grasp and grabbed his coat.

�No,� said James with a smile lighting up his face, �Kirk is your oldest friend in the world. I�m the one you�ve know the longest.� That got an indigent gasp from Kirk and laughter from Jason and Lars.

�I resent that,� huffed Kirk as he crossed his arms and pouted.

�It�s true,� snorted Jason, �you are the oldest.�

�Shut up!�

�But so not the wisest,� smirked Lars as he grabbed a handful of snow from the now open door, and threw a snowball in Kirk�s face. Then he bolted out the door.

�Get back here so I can shove an icicle up your ass!� screamed Kirk as he high tailed after him.

�Oh Kirk that�s kinky,� laughed Lars as he continued to move away from the irate Filipino, �I like it like that.� That comment earned him a well-aimed snowball upside his head.

�Fuck Kirk why didn�t you ever play baseball? You would�ve been a hell of a pitcher,� asked Jason as he stood close to the steps. Kirk turned around and stuck his tongue out at the curly haired man. That was a mistake because it gave Lars a chance to pelt him with small fast flying snowballs.

�Little bitch,� laughed Kirk as he turned back and tackled Lars into a soft snow bank. Just then, Jason grabbed a good size handful of snow and dropped down the back of James� shirt.

Then all eyes turned to James who screamed like a girl when the snow slid down his back. Then laughter from all sides erupted much to a red faced James embarrassment.

�Shut up! I wasn�t expecting that,� muttered James as he gave Jason his best death glare. All Jason could do was double over in laughter. James then grinned that devil�s grin of his and tackled Jason into a snow bank. He then started grabbing handfuls of snow and shoved them down the front of Jason�s shirt.

�Fucker! God damn it get off,� snickered Jason as he tried to shift the other man�s weight off him. However, all he got was a mouthful of snow when James dumped a couple handfuls of snow over his face.

�Pay back is a bitch isn�t Jase,� snickered James as he slowly stood up and brushed off as much snow as he could. Lars couldn�t resist the urge that came over him.

He quietly gathered up a pile of snow and packed it into a firm snowball. He then quietly snuck up behind James, turned him around fast, and shoved the snowball down the front of his jeans. �I love you like a brother James,� he yelled as he ran into the cabin to find a good secure hiding spot.



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