Title: Stay The Night

Author: Rebecca

Archive Permission: Here and my site

Pairings: Cliff/James

Ratings: PG-ish, some bad words mostly

Disclaimer: Never happened, at least I don�t think it ever happened, it *might* have happened, I just don�t know damn it!

Summary: James breaks his arm and Cliff gets to baby-sit him.

�You had to break your arm didn�t you dumb ass,� muttered Cliff as he stood beside the bed where James was laying. The doctor had just told them that the break was clean break and that they would put a cast on once they snapped the bones back together.

�How are they gonna do that,� asked James as he shifted holding his left arm protectively against his chest.

Cliff shrugged as he answered, �I don�t know. They might drug you up good and pull it. That�s what they did to a friend of mine when he broke his arm.� James went pale with that thought because for all his badass attitude on stage he was a whimp when it came to pain. Cliff chuckled and brushed some of James� blond hair out of his face. �It�s alright. I�ll stay with you when they do it if they let me. Ok,� he asked as he gently squeezed James�s good arm; who in turn quickly nodded and grabbed Cliff�s hand and held it tight.

�I�m never skateboarding again,� stated James as he looked around the room. Cliff smiled at that statement. He got a phone call around one that afternoon from one of the roadies saying that James had a slight accident.


�How slight,� he asked feeling a twinge of worry go though his stomach.

�He fell trying to do a jump to a jump with his skateboard and broke his arm.� Cliff rolled his eyes thinking; �He�s going to break his neck some day.�

�What hospital is he at?� There was a long pause. �You did take him to the hospital? Right?�

�Well no.�

�What the fuck do you mean �no�?�

�Well we�ve kinda� been drinking��

�He was fucking drinking when boarding?!�

�Oh no he wasn�t, we were. So we can�t drive.�

�Where are you? Why haven�t you called an ambulance?�

�We�re at the park down the street. We don�t know how to ask for one in what ever language of the country we�re in.�

�I�ll be right there. Don�t move him. Got it?�

�Yeah Cliff.�


So that�s how they ended up in the hospital on a Saturday. Cliff glanced at his watch, no more like a Saturday night. James whimpered as the pain grew again and Cliff gently squeezed his hand.

�Is the pain coming back, buddy,� he asked as he started to rub the flesh between James� thumb and forefinger. James nodded as he tried to block the pain and concentrate on what the murmurs coming from Cliff and the gentle rubbing. Just then the doctor came in wheeling a cart that carried everything that they would need to reset James� arm.

�Would you like to stay,� asked the doctor to Cliff as he prepped a needle with something for James. Cliff nodded as he felt James give his hand a sharp squeeze.

�James, I�m going to give you something that will make you go to sleep long enough so we can reset your arm and put your cast on. Alright,� the doctor asked as he got ready to inject the solution into James� IV. James nodded and turned to Cliff hoping this was all a nightmare.

�Your own fault for boarding when we�re on tour buddy,� snickered Cliff as the doctor slowly did the injection.

�James count back from 100 for me please,� gently ordered the doctor as he beckoned for a nurse to come in.

�100�99�98�97�96�95�94�� James trailed off as his eyes slid shut and drifted to sleep. The doctor nodded and the rest happened in a blur for Cliff who quietly held James� hand though out the whole thing.


�And make sure he takes his pain meds every four to six hours. Also makes sure his cast stays dry,� said the doctor as he handed Cliff a bottle of pills and a few sheets of written instructions. Cliff nodded as he helped a groggy James to his feet.

�Come on I�ll put you to bed so you can sleep,� quietly said Cliff as he pulled James right arm around his shoulders as he wrapped his left one around James� waist. James muttered something that Cliff didn�t catch as they walked out to the waiting car that would take them to the hotel. Cliff gently pushed James into the car, sat beside him, and gave a nod to the driver who pulled away from the curb and drove though the busy streets. James wiggled around till his head was resting on Cliff�s lap. Cliff looked down in surprise, and then smiled as he stroked his friend�s blond hair and whispered, �Don�t get too comfy buddy because I�m not carrying you up to your room.�

Once at the hotel a worried Lars and Kirk greeted them. Cliff held a finger up to his lips telling them to stay as quiet as possible.

�How is he,� asked Kirk as he helped Cliff get James out of the car while Lars was thanking and paying the driver.

�The doctor said that the bone broke clean and he should be able to get the cast off in about 6 weeks,� replied Cliff as he eased James� into the position they used when the came out of the hospital and handed Kirk the bottle of pills and papers to carry up.

�Fuck he�s going to go insane if he can�t play guitar,� said Kirk as he held open the door so Cliff could half carry and half drag James inside.

�At lest he can still sing,� Lars said as he followed Kirk in as they went up in the elevator to their floor. Cliff snickered at that while thanking profusely whatever god or goddess he hadn�t gotten high that morning like he was planning because he was pretty sure that James was going to need a babysitter that night.

Lars gently took James� room key out of Cliff�s hip pocket and asked while opening the door, �Are you going to need any help with him?�

�Nah. He�ll be out for the night but I think I�ll stay here with him in case he needs something,� replied Cliff as he laid James down on the bed mindful of his arm.

�You want us to get your stuff for you,� Kirk asked as he put the pills down on a near by table.

�Yeah that�ll be great, if you don�t mind.� Kirk and Lars nodded as Cliff tossed his key to Kirk and watched them leave. He looked back down at James who was flopped across the bed with his feet hanging off one side and his head off the other. �Oh yeah that looks comfortable,� muttered Cliff.

�Come on James let�s get your shirt off,� he said as he pulled James to a sitting position.

�I don�t wanna,� whined James as he tried to lie back down.

�You�ll be more comfortable,� insisted Cliff as he somehow managed to pry James�s good arm out of its sleeve and the rest of the shirt followed easily.

�Cliff,� came a question in the form of a whine.

�What,� asked Cliff as he tossed the t-shirt on to a near by chair.

�I have to go the bathroom,� mumbled James.

Cliff rolled his eyes and asked, �Are you sure?� James nodded so Cliff pulled him to his wobbly feet and helped him to the bathroom. Just as they entered there was a knock on the front door.

�One sec. Stay right here do not move. Got it? Do not move,� ordered Cliff as he leaned James against the doorframe leading into the bathroom. Cliff opened the door and let Kirk and Lars in with his bags.

�Where do you want this stuff,� asked Kirk as he shifted a bass case from one hand to the other.

�Right in the corner. Thanks again guys,� he said as they carefully stacked his stuff there.

�Cliff,� whined James from where he thought he had been forgotten.

�I know I�m coming,� replied Cliff with a grin as he walked the others out.

�Have fun man,� giggled Lars.

�Yeah. We�ll think of you often as we�re having fun and you�re babysitting James,� chuckled Kirk.

�Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don�t call and wake him up or he�ll be ugly in the morning,� smirked Cliff as he closed the door. He turned to James who was nearly asleep on his feet.

�Come on time to go,� he said as he slid an arm around James� waist.

�Go? Go where,� asked James as he tried to bring his head up. �Fuck it�s going to be a long night,� thought Cliff as he dragged James into the bathroom.


But the bathroom trip went surprisingly easy and Cliff was able to get James�s shoes and socks off once he was back on the bed. James was trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in while Cliff gently pulled off James� jeans.

�James? Where are your night clothes,� asked Cliff as he tossed the jeans onto the chair with the t-shirt. He then dug a hair elastic out of his bag and pulled his hair back to keep it out of his face.

�Don�t wear any,� mumbled James as he rolled over on to his stomach so that his cast was hanging over the right side of the double bed.

�Well you�re wearing some tonight,� stated Cliff as he dug though James� bags till he found a pair of sweat pants that had been cut down to shorts. �Come on buddy, roll over so I can get these on you,� he said as he tugged on James� shoulder.

�Don�t do that,� whimpered James, �it hurts when you do that.� He tried to go to sleep but Cliff started to pull his briefs down so he asked, �Whatcha� doing?�

�Getting these off you so I can get the shorts on,� muttered Cliff as he pulled the underwear off and tossed them on to the chair with the rest of James� clothes. He then pulled the shorts up to about mid-thigh and said, �Pick up your hips James so I can get these on you.� James mumbled something that Cliff was acting like a mother hen as he picked up his hips so Cliff could finish pulling the shorts on him.

�Better for you to have a mother hen than for you to try to get around on your own,� snickered Cliff after he pulled up the shorts, he then ran his fingers though James� hair and said in a whisper, �There you can go to sleep now.�

�You�re staying with me right,� James asked as he picked up his head and looked to Cliff for conformation. Cliff smiled as he nodded his head. Once James laid back down Cliff grabbed his own shorts and contemplated taking a shower. He decided against because it would be their luck that James would need something then.


As they slept that night James had managed to shift position and hit his cast hard enough against the nightstand to wake up screaming in pain. Cliff shot up right in his bed and quickly went over to James who was sobbing uncontrollable.

�Shh it�s all right James,� he murmured as he gathered the shaking sobbing man in his arms and stroked his long blond hair. It took almost ten minutes before the crying lessened and Cliff was able to get the pain medication for James. �Here open up,� whispered Cliff as he put a pill to his mouth, James looked at him funny but did as he was told. After the medicine was taken Cliff gently tucked James back into his bed and tried to go back to his own but James grabbed him suddenly and held him tight.

�No. Stay with me,� begged James as he pressed his face against Cliff�s stomach. Cliff looked surprised but slid in beside his friend and wrapped his arms around him. James rolled over so he was facing Cliff and whispered, �Thank you.�

�You�re welcome,� replied Cliff as he put a tender kiss on James� forehead, �Now go to sleep James, you�ll feel better in the morning.� He smiled to himself as James tucked his head under his chin and sighed happily.



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