Thinking Back

Title: Thinking Back (second in the "Hope" series)

Author: flamingfruitloop76

Pairing: Randy/Bob

Rating: NC-17 (yeah baby)

Archiving permission: metslash, anybody else please ask

Disclaimer: this only happened in my perverted dreams

Summary: Bob thinks back to that first night with Randy about six months later. All from Bob's POV.

Note: ~ start and of flash back. And thanks to Ella for beta reading this thing

I can't help but smile when I wake up and see you still asleep snuggled in my arms. You have become my sanity in an insane world and my universe. I start to think back to that first kiss and that first night. The look of surprise on your face and the way your breath caught in your throat.

~"I wanted to tell you but I never knew how," you whispered, still not looking at me.

"Look at me please," I whispered back as I gently took your face and turn it so you were looking into my eyes, "I loved from the day I met you. I'll always love you." You blushed at that. Do you know how delicious you look when you blush like that?

"Bob," you asked trailing your fingers down my side.

"Yeah," I answered, running my tongue on your neck.

"Love me please?" I looked into those beautiful brown eyes and saw that unwavering trust you had in me. I smiled, kissed you deep as my answer, and remember how you clung to me as your knees buckled. You took my hand and led me though your small apartment to your bedroom. I took a quick look around; there were a few photos, a matching set of a dark wood dresser, bookcase, and queen size bed. But before I could look any more you captured my mouth in a searing kiss and your hands were tugging at my shirt off to get to more skin. You must have just taken your shower because you dark hair was still wet and you wore a pair of light sleeping pants. As I kissed your forehead, I asked, "Need some help?" stroking you though your pants. You cried out in ecstasy and thrust into my hand.

"More please." I managed to pull off my boots and socks, as you fought with my button fly. I sniffed your hair and smiled, that was the smell I've always associated with you: an herbal shampoo that keeps your hair shiny and soft. But it was getting harder to stand and before we collapsed on the bed I pulled down you pants and grasped you firmly. Then with a harsh yelp you pushed me down and straddled me like that motorcycle of yours.

With a smile that the Almighty Hetfield must have taught you, you dipped your head down and kissed the very tip of my cock. It's was my turn to cry out as I pulled you beside me, so I could have more access to you. We both whimpered as our cocks bumped into each other and started us on a rhythm that was imprinted on our very souls.

But as the saying goes all good things must come to an end and ours come in a few good long thrusts. There wasn't any more sex that night but we didn't need it we held each other all night long. We fell asleep about one in the morning. The last thing you said was:

"I love you Bob."

"I love you too 'Beauty'," I whispered in your ear as we fell to sleep. ~

That was six months ago and believe me when I say I can't remember what my life was like before you came into it. You stir as you try to wake up.

"Not yet Randy. It's to early, go back to sleep," and you smile as you snuggle closer, tucking your head under my chin, and mumbled:

"I love you Bob."

"I love you to 'Beauty'."



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