Winter Getaway

Title: Winter Getaway

Author: Rebecca

Pairing: implied Kirk/Lars and implied James/Jason

Rating: R for swearing and for some implied stuff

Archiving permission: My site, anyone else please ask

Disclaimer: To my knowledge this never happened; to bad, so sad

Summary: Kirk and Lars get into a fight and it�s up to Jason and James to get they �talking� again.

Notes: Macky thanks for the idea; bathroom sex is always interesting! And Kirk taking care of Lars� boo-boo is so cute.

�Go fuck yourself Ulrich,� snarled an extremely pissed off Kirk from the backseat were he sat with Jason.

�Lately that�s all I�ve been doing,� returned an equally pissed off Lars as he bounced in his seat beside James who was trying his damnest not to do any of the following three things: break out laughing, crying in frustration, or killing anyone who was getting on his nerves. Jason caught his lover�s eye and gave a sympathetic smile. For the two weeks Lars and Kirk had been at each other�s jugular veins for no apparent reason. While on the plane going to Maine, for some serious goofing off, they refused to sit together or to even acknowledge each other. Then there is the five-hour car trip to Randy�s cabin, and if James didn�t kill either of them it would be an act of unbelievable control on his part.

-Yep he has not only earned snowboarding but also something else to help him �relax�- Jason thought to himself with an evil Hetfield grin of his own. Then a plan popped into his head and he knew that James would be more than eager to help.


After stops for gas, food, bathroom stops, and planning strategy everyone arrived alive and in one piece. James gladly turned off the car, wearily rubbed his eyes, and dragged himself out of the car with a stifled groan. Lars was too busy snipping at Kirk to noticed James wink at Jason.

�Stop it you two fuckers or else,� warned a cranky James and a tired Jason in perfect unison. Both Lars and Kirk looked at them in surprise.

�Seeing how you two have so much energy to fight; you can bring in the stuff,� gently ordered Jason as he dragged James to the door. As they went in Kirk and Lars stood there glaring at each other in the snow, till Kirk turned and grabbed a load of bags and marched into the cabin. Lars stood there for a minute grumbling under his breath and went to take some of the grocery bags inside.

�Hey James, do you want the snowboards and skis off the rack or leave them,� ask Kirk as he sorted out bags by who they belonged to.

�Just leave �em for tomorrow,� was the reply from upstairs where he and Jason were looking around.

�Ok,� Kirk said as he went back out to get another load; on the way out Lars almost ran into him.

�Sorry,� mumbled Kirk as he avoided eye contact with him. Lars opened his mouth to say something but before he could Jason yelled:

�Lars be careful with the bags, there�re eggs in there.� Lars carefully put the bags down and looked around the open first floor. There was a nice fireplace on the north wall, with a south facing bay window that over looked the frozen lake and the snowy mountains.

�Nice view, huh?� Lars jerked around to the sound of Kirk�s soft voice, gave a nod of agreement, and went out to get the few remaining bags. Kirk gave a sad sigh as he unpacked the groceries and tried to remember what started this fight.

�Over what movie we were going to watch. Fuck that�s stupid even for us,� he thought to himself as he finished up what he was doing. Just then he heard a line of cursing that would have made a sailor blush.

�What did he do to himself this time,� Kirk puzzled as he hurried out to check on Lars. When he got out to the porch the sight of the little Dane hopping up and down while holding his left hand greeted him.

�Lars, what do you?�

�Slammed my hand in the door,� he replied as tears filled his eyes.

�Poor Lars. Did you break anything,� asked Kirk in a worried voice. Lars shook his head as he tried not to cry.

�Come on we�ll put some ice on and make it feel better,� Kirk soothed as he put his arm around his lover and led him to the house. As they came in Jason and James were coming down stairs.

�What happened,� James inquired. Kirk told them, while Lars stood sniffling.

�We don�t have any real ice, but we got those ice pack things in the bathroom,� stated Jason as he gently shoved Kirk and Lars to the bathroom. Once in there Jason closed the door and motioned for James.

�Horrible thing to say, but good thing Lars is such a klutz. Quick grab the other side of the bookcase,� Jason whispered. Once they moved the bookcase to its new position in front of the outward opening door, they went to the living room to wait.

All this went unnoticed to the two in the bathroom, who were concentrating on Lars� banged up hand.

�Good thing your hands are as hard as your head,� Kirk said as he carefully packed the ice packs around the sore hand, �are you sure you didn�t break anything?�

�Just a little bit of the ego,� Lars said brightly as he went to the door. It wouldn�t open.

�Kirk, the door�s stuck.�

�Are you sure?� he asked as he too tried the door he but got nowhere.

�Fuck! James? Jason? Are you out there?� shouted Lars as he banged on the door with his good hand.

�Yes we are,� answered Jason.

�Come let us out,� called Kirk.


�What?� Both Kirk and Lars looked at each other in shock.

�Because you two have been acting like a couple of dumb-ass fuckers. Neither of you two are coming out till you make up,� shouted back James.

�Or make out depending on what you feel like,� added Jason with a smirk.

�You two are a couple of jerk-offs! You know that don�t you,� snapped Lars. Just then Kirk started to snicker.

�They�re right you know. We have been acting like a couple of dumb-ass fuckers,� he whispered into Lars� left ear as he ran his tongue around the edge of it, �I�m sorry.�

�You don�t have anything to be sorry about. You were right it was your turn to pick out the movie. But with the album and everything we�ve been working on I guess I just had to yell at someone and you were there. I�m sorry.�

�Well seeing how we made up, how about we let them know it,� Kirk said with an evil gleam in his eyes.

�Kirk you do say the sweetest things.�

About five minutes later James and Jason heard a familiar sound coming from the bathroom.

�Well I think they�re on speaking terms again,� said James not looking up for the hunting magazine he was reading. Suddenly a pillow pinged him from Jason� direction.

�Will you stop stating the obvious and come over here and kiss me?� James smiled; yeah this was going to be a very good break.


I�ll leave the most important scenes up to your twisted minds.


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