Title: Stardust

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: Arwen/Aragorn

Ratings: G

Archiving Permission: Here and my site. Anyone else please ask.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the LotR characters.

Summary: Arwen waits and remembers.

Notes: Macky gave me the pairing and the words: stardust, angel, and pickle. But she let me change angel to fairy and the pickle still remains :-D

Arwen sighed in frustration as she tossed and turned trying to find a comfortable position in bed. But then again being 5 months pregnant would make sleeping uncomfortable for any woman, elf or human. She looked out the window and watched as stardust sprinkled down form the night sky. She remembered what her mother had told her so very long ago.

�The stardust comes from the fairies dusting the moon and the stars.� Arwen felt her eyes water from the sweet memory from her own childhood. She carefully got out of bed and went to a nearby table. Sitting on it was a simple box with a lock. She took the key that was around her neck and opened it. There was a lock of her mother�s hair and a letter. It wasn�t what was in the letter itself that made her smile but the drawing done in her mother�s hand.

Fairies dancing around the moon and stars, carefully dusting them, just under the drawing was written, �don�t forget the fairies�. And Arwen smiled.

She was suddenly brought out of her memories when the door open and her husband came in, muttering under his breath. He looked up, surprised to see her out of bed. �Is there something wrong?� he asked softly as he set a plate down by her side of the bed.

�No,� she answered as she closed the box. �Just remembering. Where you able to find any?� she asked hopefully with a smile playing on her lips.

Aragorn sighed as he rolled his eyes, �Of course I did. Do you think I would�ve come back empty handed? Even though I think threatening me with my own sword was a harsh way to get me out of bed.�

She laughed. �Fine. The next child we have, you can carry it and find out that when you want pickles at 1 in the morning you better have some.�

The End


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