Title: Unexpected

Author: Rebecca

Pairings: Arwen/Aragorn

Ratings: G

Archiving Permission: My and my DJ. Anyone else please ask.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the LotR characters.

Summary: Can Arwen leave Middle Earth? Or will there be a reason to stay?

Notes: Macky gave me the pairing and the words: rough mountain trail, meaningful symbol, portrait, burning village. Also there is a little bit of a spoiler if you haven�t seen �RotK� yet, but it�s just a tiny one ;-)

Arwen was happy to leave the rough mountain trail far behind and what was left of a burning village at the foot of the trail. She and the others were going to the Grey Havens and had to pass over steep trails to get there with as much speed as they could.

They were leaving Middle Earth.

She was leaving her heart behind with a man that she loved but could not have.

Arwen sighed and drew her hood over her head to conceal her tear filled eyes. At the same time she drew out a silver locket and carefully opened it, reveling a miniature portrait of Aragorn�s face. Her heart was breaking more with every breath she drew and with each step her horse took a doom seemed to be settling on her shoulders.

But then something unexpected happened. Something that made her question the very reason why she was leaving.

A child being held in Aragorn�s arms; a child with her eyes and wearing her pendant around his neck.

Her son.

Her meaningful symbol to stay, no matter how bitter the price.

With that she turn her horse and raced back to Rivendell to await her fate.

The End


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