Title: Kiss It and Make It Better

Author: flamingfruitloop76

Pairing: James/Jason

Rating: R for language and implied stuff

Disclaimer: Never happened most likely never will

Summary: You figure it out

Note: No beta, all mistakes are mine

"Fuck that hurts!"

"If you just relax it won't hurt dumbass."

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one with someone poking your ass."

"I never thought the Almighty Hetfield could be such a big baby! If you hold still we would be done by now," stated a grumpy Jason.

"Shit! You did that on purpose."

"Did what on purpose?" asked Jason as he concentrated on the task at hand.

"Jabbed me."


"Just now," replied James as he squirmed.

"Shh hold still. Almost got it. Ha got it," cried out Jason. "Fuck look at the size of that splinter," he said holding it out for James to inspect.

"That's the last time I slid down any hill without a sled," he mumbled rubbing his sore butt.

"Poor James. Do you want me to kiss it and make it better," whispered Jason into James ear making the taller man shake.

"I've got something for you to kiss and it's not my ass," James murmured as the all-famous Hetfield smile crept across his face.


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