Title: Passing Notes

Author: Rebecca

Archiving Permission: here, my DJ or my web site; anyone else please ask

Pairings: none

Ratings: PG-13

Disclaimer: Never happened. At least I don�t think it ever happened.

Summary: The boys get bored during a meeting and start passing notes.

My Dear Kirk,

Would you be so kind as to poke Mr. Het? He is starting to snore.

Dearest Lars,

I wouldn't poke Hr. Het even if you paid me too.

Dear Sweet Kirk,

If he start to drool it will be on *you*.

Mr. Ulrich,

Would you wake a sleeping lion?

Mr. Hammett,

No I wouldn�t.

Dear Larsy,

Then why would you want me to wake up Mr. Het.

Dear Quirk,

Because you can out run him.

Dear Uli,

HA! You obviously haven�t seen me run recently.

Dear Hammy,

Just poke him with a pencil and wake him up.

Dear Pussies,

The meeting is over.

The End�unless I feel like writing more ;-)


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