Kwame's Fan
By Larry
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       Wheeler went over to Kwame's hut where he was resting. "Check this out Kwame, a private birthday party gig."
        "Wheeler, we're not desperate to do private birthday parties for gigs."
        "Not even from Se�or Cisneros?"
        Kwame got up and looked at the letter.  Se�or Cisneros had invited the band to stay at his hotel to play for his son's 16th birthday.

        Hours later, the boys gathered their instruments and equipment over at the Eco-Copter.  Wheeler then used his five-jewelled ring to summon Captain Planet.  He came from the earth and asked, "Yes master?"
        "Do I look like an astronaut who has a genie bottle?" asked Wheeler.
        "And you'll probably later be an evil oil tycoon from Dallas," replied Captain Planet.
        "That would make me Major Healey," quipped Kwame.
        "Stop with the
I Dream of Jeannie puns!" Wheeler said, we got a concert to do at Senor Cisneros hotel in Puerto Rico."
        After loading the instruments into the Eco-Copter, Kwame loaded his Eco-Cycle as well.  Then the three of them headed off to Puerto Rico.

        When they reached the San Juan airport to land, they met with Se�or Cisneros who was waiting by his limo. A crew helped load their musical equipment while Kwame unloaded his Eco-Cycle.  Just as they were about to
leave, some teenage girls screamed over to them & started crying, "Wheeler!  Wheeler!"
        "How did they know we were coming?"
        "Our webpage," said Captain Planet.
        Wheeler quickly got into the limo with Captain Planet. Kwame drove off on the Eco-Cycle.
        When Kwame drove into the rough neighborhood, he saw a gang of bullies threatening a teenager tearing his drumsticks up.

Part 3
Part 2
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