Kwame's Fan
By Larry
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       Kwame took Celso over to the tropical hotel that Se�or Cisneros owned.  Wheeler and Cap were surprised that Kwame had spoiled his birthday surprise.
        "Man," Wheeler groaned, "you spoiled the surprise!"
        "Maybe," Kwame said, "but Celso was being attacked by a gang."
        "They like to get after me because I have a rich Dad and because I want to make it in music.  Man, Kwame could really fight!  Glad he's my hero."
        "Celso, it's fine that I'm your hero for a drummer," explained Kwame, "but you need a girlfriend."

        That night, Se�or Cisneros held a birthday party for his 16-year-old son in a banquet room and invited his
friends over. 
The Power Is Yours performed all their eco-tunes, one of which featured Kwame singing solo.  In the middle of the concert, Captain Planet said, "Hope you're having an awesome birthday, Celso Cisneros!  How about coming up and jam with us!"
        Celso got up on stage and went over to Kwame's tympanis to play a drum roll/solo.  After playing, Kwame got up from the drums to let him play while Kwame played tympani.  Captain Planet sang a cool tune with the band jamming.
        Moments later, when Celso came down from stage, a girl came to him. "You ever thought about becoming a drummer?  You were so cool up there!  My name is Rosita."
        Near the end of his party, Kwame was thrilled that he saw Celso dancing with a babe then kissing her.

        When the party was over, Kwame gave Celso one of his tympanis and some mallets to play with for a birthday gift.

The end
Part 4
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