There Is a Sky
By Lyndsey L

        Looten liked school. He was an excellent student; his teachers told him that if he kept it up though high school, the cost of going to college would not be an issue. At least at school he was loved, albeit to a small extent.
        Of course, there was always that other reason why he excelled. Why he stayed in school all those extra hours, long after the other children went home.


        They went home

        He never expected anyone to suspect the truth; he simply wanted everyone to think that he was a dedicated student. Not for everyone to think he was just trying to avoid another broken bone.


        Plunder glanced at his refection in the mirror. He stared hard at his face, wondering how many times the bridge of his nose had been broken.
I�ve always wondered why he couldn�t seem to love me. He scowled. Not that I care now. Was it such a difficult thing to try?
        Looten narrowed his eyes.

Expecting a reply?

        �that would not be far behind.

Then yes. Yes it was. Who could love a child like you? All the time, you took. TOOK! Never, ever, had you EVER given anything back. You took the only thing I have ever really loved. When you were born.

        Looten started to shiver violently.

     And even now, you�re evil and selfish. Always taking. Tell me, boy what good have you ever done? The only reason I never killed you was because of your mother. She wouldn�t have wanted it, now would she?

        He started wishing he had met his mother.

        She would have loved m-

        He curled up on the floor, grasping his head in his hands.

        �Oh god�please�just leave me alone�� he sobbed.



        Argos Bleak rarely understood his employer's method of business, even though it generally had a high incidence of profit. He shrugged, and decided not to question so much the method, as much so as the idea.
Of course, it would be difficult for anyone to comprehend the profit potential in building large gasoline tanks in the middle of the wilderness. Maybe to clear the trees? Bleak thought.
        He didn�t think so; there really wasn�t that much vegetation this far southwest�
        Argos was even more confused as he read over Plunder�s written request for Nukem�s special �materials�.
Its like he wants to blow this damn place out of the ground or somethin�.
        Bleak turned pale. Not a bad observation, that.
'E's crazy...
        Instinctively, he checked to see if his pistol, usually holstered to his belt, was still there. It was not.

To be continued...
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