Weird Games
Chapter III: Way too clean!

        ... A dark figure sat in a dark room. It was all quiet except for several beeps and other sounds coming from the other side of the room. The figure just smiled and opened a box, pulling out a playing board and then putting the board on the table he was sitting across. He looked at the direction of the beeps and then picked up a little piece from the box. The piece was, very accurately, picturing a rat-and-humanlike creature with rats on his feet. The mysterious figure then moved the piece onto the board...


        Verminous Skumm awoke. He didn't remember having this bad headache since his little experiments with the sewer waters. He slowly rose up. It turned out to be a bad mistake. He almost threw up. Not only from his migraine, but also from the disgusting cleanliness. And there was way too much light for his taste, too. Everything seemed blurry. He definitely wasn't in his home sewers.
        After a while his eyes had somewhat accepted the fact that there was so much light, and he began to see his surroundings more accurately: a little, white room with some red crosses around... "Hospital. I'm in the hospital. Guess I got knocked out because I imagined that UFO and the assault on the Spirit's island." He was satisfied with his deduction. Then he moved around a bit. Upon confirming that nothing was broken, he rose up carefully and walked to the door. It wasn't locked so Skumm just opened it and walked out.
        He arrived in a corridor, which looked just as boring as the room he had left. Exits were nowhere to be seen. Skumm just turned left and walked across the corridor.
I'll find someone here, he thought. And then I can get back to my homely sewers. His thought were interrupted when someone came into his view. A nurse. Skumm approached the nurse to get directions. "Hey, you. How do I get outta here?" he asked. The answer was very strange.
        The nurse kicked him in the stomach, sending him stumbling backwards. "Enemy." It was the nurse's only word. She walked forwards and hit Skumm square in the face. "Crazy chick!" yelled Skumm, hitting the nurse in the ankles with his tail, tripping the nurse and sending her crashing to the floor. The nurse groaned in pain but still got up and closed in on Skumm, who desperately tried to find something he could use.  He searched for his pocket and found something. He didn't look what it was; he just tossed it in the nurse's direction. It hit her in the chest. Luckily for Skumm, his weapon was *very* effective here.
        It was a rat. A fat, filthy rat. The nurse screamed as the rat gnawed on her. Skumm didn't believe it. After a few bites the nurse collapsed. She gasped for air on the floor. And then she just disappeared. Skumm's rat ran off.
This is crazy. A mad chick who disappears. I gotta get outta here. After a few minutes of random wandering he found a staircase and headed down, since he probably was somewhere on the upper floors. But he couldn't get down. There was a wall blocking his way. Skumm knew very well that there aren't walls with no doors in ordinary hospitals. Uh oh. I really gotta get outta here! he thought while heading up. Unfortunately his way was blocked by an another nurse and a doctor.
        "Hey, you know, you have one crazy colleague here..." Skumm began, but he was cut off when they both attacked him. Skumm also noticed their empty looks and their very limited vocabulary. And then he knew that it was no ordinary hospital. His thoughts were again interrupted when the doctor charged at him with a wheelchair as his weapon. Skumm dodged it and threw the wheelchair down the stairs. To his surprise, he found an another rat from his pocket. He threw it at the nurse and at the same time kicked the doctor, who was right behind him. The doctor yelped and fell down the stairs, while the nurse had gotten hit by the rat. And it was inside her blouse. The nurse fell down and disappeared, while there was heard a loud crack from downstairs. The doctor was defeated, too. Skumm sighed and kept going up. He encountered more nurses and doctors on his way, and even some surgeons, but when he was nearing the roof, he encountered a nasty surprise.
        A bloodthirsty surgeon with an empty look and a massive scalpel waited for him at the top floor, right in front of a door leading to somewhere. Skumm suspected it led to the boss of these zombie-guys. But he had no time to think more as the surgeon walked up to him and stabbed with his scalpel. Skumm dodged it and threw several rats at the surgeon (he had noticed that for some reason he had an unlimited amount of rats in his pocket). The rats were ineffective, and the surgeon came again. This time the surgeon managed to wound Skumm in his right arm. Then, while Skumm was wincing in pain, he just barely managed to avoid being impaled by the scalpel, but got wounded in his side instead. Skumm attacked the surgeon, but the surgeon moved aside, and before Skumm could react, he had taken a stab to his chest. Skumm fell to his knees. The surgeon moved over to finish him off. Skumm was powerless. He did the only thing he could.
        He coughed up and spat at the surgeon's face. To his surprise, the surgeon roared aloud and grabbed his face. Skumm quickly deduced the surgeon couldn't take the dirt from himself. He breathed to the surgeon's face, and grabbed the scalpel. The surgeon couldn't do anything to prevent it. Skumm strenghened up and stabbed the surgeon in the back. Literally. The surgeon fell and rolled down the stairs. Skumm then turned to the door, on which read "Yjoksie" Skumm just bashed the door down and stepped in. He didn�t believe his eyes. Yjoksie was...


...The figure seemed impressed. The rat creature figure had actually beaten the surgeon. He watched with interest as the figure moved towards Yjoksie�s figure...


... An evil, little, blue rat. It led the crazy hospital. " Good, you're here with Yjoksie. Now I'll blabber our plan so that you'll know everything about it. Listen up now, loser! First we'll... " Yjoksie was cut off by Skumm's shoe crushing its skull. Yjoksie insantly died and vanished a while later. Skumm sighed. Yjoksie was dead, but how could he get off this place? As an answer, a portal appeared out of nowhere. Skumm shrugged and stepped in it.

His cry of surprise soon vanished.


..The figure removed Yjoksie the Rat's piece from the board, carefully setting it back in the box. Next he took another piece out...

To be continued...
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