Hoggish Greedly
A villain of pig-like proportions, Hoggish Greedly lives to devour the earth's natural resources. His love for overconsumption extends to every aspect of his behavior and is particularly evident in his "sloppy" eating habits.

Greedly goes after precious gems and minerals, noble forests, endangered species--whatever will satiate his enormous appetite for any rare, nonrenewable resource. Wherever he strikes, Greedly leaves waste and destruction in his wake.

Hoggish Greedly's repugnant, hog-like looks are accentuated by his snuffling manner and snorting interjections. Greedly is well aware of his piggish mannerisms. In fact, he delights in using his grossness to frighten and disgust his opponents. His clothes may vary from episode to episode but his preference for a pig motif--whether in clothes, accessories or machinery--remains consistent.

His sidekick Rigger usually wears some sort of goofy, long-brimmed baseball cap, suspenders--often hanging at his waist--and straight-legged pants tucked into his boots.
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