1.8 Cheyenne Ordnance and Other Equipment

Note: Weapons are not to scale.

It used to be easy when going on a mission, you had a simple weapon selection and everything. It's definitely changed, with the wide variety of munitions, especially the Mk.16I series, as now you have to decide how much you really have to setup vs. what you can carry, and that can be a royal bitch sometimes....

-Lt. Mary "Maryland" Garner, 405th Transport Company, Section FOUR

The Seader-Krupp AIM-85 is a lightweight, self defense missile incorporating thrust vectoring to achieve high maneuverability to engage targets. The system is mounted in the rear of the aircraft, just below and behind the massive tail rudders and tailplanes. The concept is to provide a rearward defense for the Cheyenne. The system itself consists of a gas ejected missile that propels the missile out of the aircraft, then to allow the missile to be at zero speed. After that, the main missile motor ignites, propelling the missile at hypervelocity speeds. The missile is a dual homing type, with an active millimeter wave seeker head combined with an IR seeker that provides a 90 degree cone of engagement. Before launch, a millimeter wave radar first detects the target, then the data is constantly fed into the waiting missile. Upon launch, the active radar seeker activates, with the IR seeker also going online. Then the missile accelerates towards the target, and tries to achieve a kill. Upon launch, the operator can switch off the radar or leave it on for another shot if needed. The radar itself has a Rating of 6 and a range of 20 kilometers. The rear fuselage carries eight ready to fire missile stored and fired in launch containters. They are themselves mounted in a Self Loading Launcher Assembly (SLLA) that has a "clip" (much like the MLRS) of eight missiles ready to fire. However, individual missiles may be loaded into the magazine. This has proven more efficient in some cases, where field use requires a fast turnaround. The system extends the magazine out of the aircraft, and with the integral hoist, can drop the magazine down to 2 meters above ground. Special hooks are attached, and the SLLA retracts and preps the missiles for use. This takes a Complex Action to reload/load the magazine on the SLLA, though attaching/removing each takes a Complex Action as well. The magazine assembly itself weighs 20 kilograms.

Damage Intelligence CF Weight Short Medium Long Extreme
16D 6 1 (by itself) 75 5m-5 km 5,001m-8 km 8,001m-11 km 11,001m-15 km

AIM-90F P3I Headlock AAM
Designed for the UD-4L/M, the AIM-90F Headlock is used for use against aerial threats. Although shorter ranged than most missiles, the Headlock is superior to standard "Dogfight" missiles that have a shorter range. Using a dual optical/active-radar head, and a booster able to accelerate the missile to hypervelocity speeds necessary for engagements.. This can operate with the helmet mounted sight the pilot and WO wear, with the ability to be fired at any target, any direction. The "F" version of the Headlock, recently introduced, has improved ECCM/ECD software to cope with increased use of ECM and ED now being used on most aircraft. For game rules, roll the missiles Intelligence against the Rating of the ED/ECM device being used. If the missile gains one success, reduce any modifiers by one, and the missile operates as standard. If the missile achieves two successes, it gets a -2 reduction on tests for scatter, reducing that target number. Also included in the software is similar to the AARMs also being deployed. If the targeted aircraft starts spouting ECM, the missiles seeker will then start to home on the jammer itself, and will still try to cross correlate data as it homes on the target. Use the ECMs rating as the new Signature, in which do a normal Sensor test to determine if the missile locks on.

AIM-90F Headlock
Damage CF Weight Intelligence Short Medium Long Extreme
18D 2 95.5 10 10m-6 km 6,001m-12 km 12,001m-18 km 18,001m-24 km

The AGM-240A TSAM (Threat Suppression Attack Missile) is a low-cost missile designed for defense. Small, short ranged, and lightweight, the TSAM trades loiter capability for speed, allowing it to destroy it's target quickly. While mounted on the pylon, the missile is hooked up to the ATLIS system, which can automatically launch a missile in response to the threat detected. The WSO can also select the missile on "manual", which allows the WSO to determine if he or she wishes to engage the threat. The missiles electronics suite consists of of a wide-band reciever cluster with frequency coverage extending from the VHF/UHF bands, as well as the millimeter-wave ones also. In addition, the outer skin panels of the nosecone are capable of detecting laser energy and determining the direction of the source. It has a millimeter-wave radar for the terminal portion of it's flight, which gives it a secondary ground attack capability.

Damage Intelligence CF Weight Short Medium Long Extreme
20D 10 4 303 20m-7 km 7,001m-12 km 12,001m-25 km 25,001m-60 km

AGM-220C Hellhound
The AGM-220C Hellhound is an advanced multi-role tactical missile. The weapon can be used against armor, vehicles, bunkers, and buildings. The Hellhound has a three stage motor, consisting of the launch engine, an inflight sustainer motor, and a third stage booster to accelerate the missile during it's terminal phase. It can be launched in two modes: The first, which the WO locks the missile onto the target, and provided he or she maintains a lock until launch, the weapon will self guide itself to the target. The second mode is a "loiter" mode, where the WO can program a grid reference or look for a predesignated target. The weapon can loiter for 10 Turns, and will search for the target, failing that, it will attack any target of opportunity, except for units that have a friendly IFF code broadcasting. The seeker head incorporates a millimeter-wave system with an infrared imager. This is linked to a 12 Mb processor which will determine the best attack profile. In game terms, this gets a modifier of -2 when attacking a target.

AGM-220C Hellhound
Damage CF Weight Intelligence Short Medium Long Extreme
20D 4 264 12 20m-7 km 7,001m-12 km 12,001m-25 km 25,001m-70 km

AGM-267 Cruise Missile
The AGM-267 is a new, stealth cruise missile designed for long range target engagements. The design is a lifting body concept, with a ramjet propulsion unit. It has a maximum range of 1,000 kilometers, very good for a cruise missile. The weapon is guided by TERCOM, and GPS, and uses this to guide the system to the target, allowing it to be used for precision strikes. Using an insertable chip that gives the coordinates, and as well as the route it has to fly. Embedded in the electronics is a Pilot 5 program, to guide the missile to the target. Included in the suite is a Learning Pool for avoiding detection, and to use the Electronic Deception suite mounted in the airframe. Using composites, thermal baffles, and radar absorbing materials, the AGM-267 is very stealthy. It is also armored, to enable it to survive most threats on it's way to the target. The missile is carried in the UD-4L via a special rotary dispenser that allows the UD-4L to carry ten of the missiles. The rotary launcher replaces the ramp, with the ramp being removed, and the VRDS (Vehicular Rotary Dispenser System) system being mounted on the lift hydraulics via the dropship. It also has wheels, and is remotely driven to its designated plane. Once in position, the driver maneuvers until the forward hydraulics are near enough to be attached. Once attached, the hydraulics lift the rotary launcher to it's position. The VRDS has two openable doors to effect launch. Launch is having the doors open, and the rotary launcher drops the missile out of the aircraft. Then the folding wings in the rear open up, and a sustainer motor accelerates the missile to Mach 1. Once Mach 1 is achieved, the ramjet motor activates, propelling the missile. Then the rotary dispenser rotates the next missile for launch, going clockwise. It propells the missile to such a speed that it is useful against hardened targets such as command and control bunkers, or other targets. It also incorporates a Smart Hard Target Fuze (SHTF) that allows it to "sense" how many floors it has penetrated, then exploding and is programmable up to 10 floors. The missile may be dropped from a minimum of 150 meters. The plane must be level when launching, and does make the platform somewhat vulnerable when launching. Warheads available are standard HE, and cluster submunitions. Other warheads are being developed as well. The missile may of course be launched from other aircraft as needed.
Handling Speed Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Weight CF
2 5,000* 3 6 14 4 5 1,030 kg 6

Fuel: *
ECD: Military II (6)
Other Features: Radar Absorbent Material (3), Signature Improvement (3, composite materials), Thermal Baffles (2), Learning Pool 5 (Avoid Detection), Learning Pool 5 (Electronic Deception).
Warhead: HE does 42D damage, and is reduced 1-/meter. Cluster warhead carries 150 DPICM submunitions doing 14D damage over a 200m x 200m square area, and a charge destroys the missile upon completion of the mission, doing 25D in a 10 meter radius. The weapon has enough speed to penetrate structures, then explodes. Use APDS rules agains hardened targets.

* Speed is 5000 meters per turn, or 300 kilometers per hour. Has enough fuel to fly 1,000 kilometers.

The VRDS is the system used to launch the AGM-267 Cruise Missile. It quite simply consists of a wheeled diesel chassis that can carry ten AGM-267s. It has four wheels that retract into the vehicle when inside the UD-4L. It has numerous attachment points for cable runs to integrate with the UD-4L. A door on the top allows the rotary launcher to be inserted into the VRDS, allowing expedient reloading in the field. A vehicle with a crane is all that is needed. It is remotely controlled to it's aircraft, and then technicians can hook up the hydraulics to the VRDS. Once accomplished, it is lifted and secured inside the dropship. Access to the dropship can only be through the rear stepladder. It also seals the cargo bay, allowing crewmembers to run diagnostics should it be needed. The diagnostic cart has programs that can interface with the VRDS. Note that when inside the Cheyenne, the VRDS adds 4 to the Handling of the aircraft.

Handling Speed Accel Body Sig CF
5/6 35 3 5 2 500

Fuel: Diesel (5 liters)
Economy: 2 kilometers per liter.
Other Features: Remote control interface, rigger adaptation.
Weight: 17,300 kilograms fully loaded with 10 AGM-267s, 7,000 kg fully unloaded.

Developed to penetrate hardened structures, the AGM-350 is a new weapon system for the UD-4M. Utilizing a hardened nose, and sophisticated flight profile, it can penetrate most hardened structures. The nose features a GPS homing system, similar to the 20th century JDAM (Joint Directed Attack Munition) combined with an optical homing head. The head can sense in both Low-Light and Thermographic. Nominal homing is that the missile accepts the GPS data, then the missile is fired and it automatically homes in on the location. Once in the vicinity of the coordinates, the optical head immediately acquires the target, then the 5Mb processor chooses the optimum location (Game notes, it gives a -1 to any attacks) to penetrate. Once the structure is penetrated, the SHTF (Smart Hard Target Fuze) "senses" the number of floors it penetrates, then explodes. Such technology was pioneered by Motorola, and the tradition continues today. It can penetrate up to 6 floors and can be preset by the firing unit on how many floors (based on intelligence data) it will penetrate, then explode. The warhead is the standard high explosive with it optimized for full effects within the target area. When launched, the missile flies a low-high-low profile, flying straight, then popping up, then nosing towards the target. This allows the missile to gain some momentum and penetrate the target. Currently, the missile is being tested and limited field deployment. Additionally, the rocket motor gives the AGM-350 a maximum range of 15 kilometers.
Type CF Intelligence Damage Weight
AGM-350 4 5 25D (-1/meter) 300

Short Medium Long Extreme
100-5 km 5,001m-7 km 7,001m-11 km 11,001m-15 km

ALE-106 Jammer Cartridge
The ALE-106 is developed to provide a low cost, EW (Electronic Warfare) system to the Cheyenne. The premise of the design is similar to the decoy used by submarines, essentially generating noise to confuse sensor homing weapons, most notably the Loral-Vought AARM currently being used by many militaries. The decoy consists of a power amplifier that is designed to create electronic noise in order to defeat AARMs. The power for the decoy lasts 30 seconds, and is held aloft by a parachute. It has a Flux of 5, and does jam transmissions when deployed. The normal tactic for the UD-4L is to shut off it's own ECM for the duration of the engagement, as when the decoy is launched, it immediately starts broadcasting, then burns out, becoming useless. Each decoy weighs 2 kg and takes up .20 CF per decoy. The decoy is only available to Seader-Krupp Special Security Group only, though it is being deployed on numerous Seader-Krupp aircraft as well.

M263 Nose Mounted Machine Gun
Mounted in the nose of the UD-4M, this constitutes the aircraft's close in weapon. A six-barreled design that is chambered for the 10 x 28mm caseless round that the M56A2 fires, the M263 is a heavy hitting weapon. More powerful than the M56A2, the weapon is now being retrofitted onto existing UD-4Ls for better weight savings, due to the newer materials being introduced. The frame of the whole machine gun is made of new, advanced metals made in zero-gee, it dramatically reduces the weight considerably, while a marked improvement over the old Vanquisher minigun. Using the caseless ammunition has also dropped weight so the UD-4L can fire the same amount of rounds while carrying a lighter load. It fires in the "super-machinegun" category, bringing impressive fire to bear. To handle all the recoil generated, each barrel ends in a Gas-Vent IV, as well as a modified ring mount with improved shock absorbers to handle the recoil generated. Unlike the Vanquisher, which had to be modified to accept Smartlink II, the M263 comes equipped from the factory with it, including a built in rangefinder to improve accuracy. Currently, the M263 is only mounted on the UD-4L/M, and the M577, and limited deployment on the M343 turrets for the LAV-45, and is fed standard by an 800 round ammo drum. The ammunition fired is the same ammunition fired by the M56A2, and can be set in both modes (a Free Action while rigged, Simple Action non-rigged), both "Delay" and "Super" modes.

Type Mode Damage Ammo
HMG* FA** 13S 800(drum)

*Increase range brackets by 125%
**Use super-machinegun rules
The weapon offers 5 points from the Imp. Gas-Vent IV mounted on the barrels (no, you don't get 30 points recoil comp!). The shock absorbers offer an additional 4 points of recoil compensation. For game purposes, treat the round as EXplosive in the "Super" mode, and in "Delay" mode, treat as EX, but also use APDS rules. It should be noted that the type of mode cannot be switched while firing the burst. All rounds in the burst will be one or the other. When in the next phase, the character may switch modes, a Free Action while rigged, Simple Action non-rigged. It requires while rigged a Free Action to start to rotate the barrel. It takes a Combat Turn (3 seconds) for the barrels to rotate to speed for firing. Non-rigged it requires a Simple Action to start.

Mk.16I 150mm rocket
The Mk.16I "Banshee" 150mm rocket is the standard unguided rocket used on the SSG Cheyennes. It features a high burn motor allowing it to achieve high speeds within a short time, allowing quick reaction times. The main lifting features are flip out fins upon clearance of the launcher. The main popularity is the number of warhead types the Banshee can carry, ranging from standard high explosive to a submunition carrying system, allowing effective firepower on the battlefield. This allows the Cheyenne to carry a selectable load to counter any threats on the battlefield of the 2060s.
Using an improved motor, the newer Mk.16I (Improved) features a higher impulse motor, giving the Cheyenne considerable reach, with only a slight increase in weight. It is mounted on the M20 MMR (Modular Missile Rack), that is one single unit containing 16 missiles. For rapid field reloading, the M20 can be extended out of the rear of the pod, and hoisted 2 meters above ground. Operation is similar to the SLLA described below. This can still fire the complete family of munitions that the Banshee is useful for.

Damage CF Weight Short Medium Long Extreme
18D 2 72 5-6 km 6,001-10 km 10,001-15 km 15,001-20 km

Here are various useful warheads the Mk.16I can carry:

ZEUS 70mm rockets
The ZEUS family of 70mm rockets is the standard light unguided rocket used by the UD-4M. The rocket is spin stabilised for flight and is fired from the rear main deployable pods on the aircraft. Available warheads are HE, smoke, MPSM (Multi-Purpose SubMunition).

Damage CF Weight Short Medium Long Extreme
10D (per rocket) 1 15.8 50-4 km 4,001m-7 km 7,001m-11 km 11,001m-15 km

Available warhead types are:

Note: The UD-4M is also cleared to use the T-90 HVM system, as well as the Model 450 AAM/SAM system.

Return to UD-4M.
Return to Special Security Group.
UD-4L Weapons Management Template*



Fresh Productions, 1998, 2000. The items on this page are purely fictional, and should not be considered real. Any relation to any real life item is purely coincedental, and should not be construed as fact.

*When printing out this image, it's best to center it, as it won't look funky when printed, and always go for the best fit. 1
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