
As described in the CIB file, the Infobahn is the Special Security Groups central clearing house for information, and other administrative tasks. The system is heavily sculpted, with the appearance of a large complex outside of the main Saeder-Krupp Prime host. Access from the Matrix is done through a program called Doorbell. When used, the program sends a signal to the Saeder-Krupp main host, which triggers a SAN that allows direct access to the main host. Then through a trapdoor that shifts it's position, access to the Infobahn. Programming done on the Saeder-Krupp host allows the CIB decker to find out where the trapdoor is located instantly, and immediately goes to the Infobahn host. Field operatives as a norm have the program loaded in the laptops and cyberdecks. Quite simply, the Infobahn is secure, and Red through and through. When an active alert happens, klaxons reverberate through the building. When the system is shutting down, alert flags appear around the area, warning of shutdown.
Sculpting presents the Infobahn area as a large building with white/black marble, with the Saeder-Krupp flag and a Special Security Group flag waving out front with the doors simple opaque doors. The Saeder-Krupp corporate symbol itself is raised out of the marble, and puts an artistic (somewhat) appearance outside.

Host A (Red Hard-11/13/14/14/15/18): Inside the "facility" is standard imagery representing a typical corporate inside, with stairs leading up to the secondary host. No other options exist, you must pass through the first checkpoint, then go upstairs. The "lobby area" is wide, and features two stone dragons. The stairs are directly in the middle, and the checkpoint features a couple guard icons that check the identity of the user. Traffic in this area is not heavy as due to the limited size of the CIB. Any passive alert will have 1D6 deckers in the host within one Combat Turn.

Host A Security Sheaf
4 Trace-10
6 Probe-6
10 Passive Alert
14 Construct (Armor)
16 Active Alert
21 Black-10
24 Shutdown

Host B (Red Hard-11/16/16/17/13/15):After passing that checkpoint, the user goes up the escalator (and down as well) to another checkpoint. There the user must re enter his/her identity for verification, then allowed through the two glass doors. Then it's another checkpoint, with the same iconography as before. After that, the user can locate various information. Any passive alert will have 1D6 deckers within one Combat Turn.

Host B Security Sheaf
2 Trace-8
7 Probe-6
11 Passive Alert
13 Construct (Armor):
Tar Baby-5
Tar Pit-5
18 Cascading Black-8
25 Active Alert
27 Expert Black/Offense +2-7
30 Shutdown

Administrative Section Upper Floor (all hosts, C1, C2, C3 have the same ratings and IC allocation):
Red Hard-9/15/15/17/14/16
C1 (Administrative) Paydata: 10
C2 (Data) Paydata: 12
C3 (ODD) Paydata: 12
C4 (VR Training) Paydata: 14
Paydata Density: 2D6 x 5 Mp
Note: In any area, a Passive Alert will generate 2D6 deckers within 1 Combat Turn.

C1 (Administrative):The first area, the Admin area, is what it looks like, a lot of cubicles with both tortoise and jacked in people working on data. Sculpting of the tortoises are people with gray faces. Normal deckers are what they choose, but are more high definition. Naturally, this area contains information on all Special Security Group employees and other personnel, as well as equipment. Each portion of the "room" is according to each Section, with the crest of each Section on the door leading to that portion. Each employee file has a Databomb-7 and a Scramble-5 attached to it.
C1 (Data): The second area is the Library. Iconography for this self-explanatory, with a rather large library with information on anything and everything that is needed. From weapon specs to information files on a country, it's here, and all accessible.
C3 (ODD): Naturally, the ODD maintains a part of the Infobahn, and contains magical information that is been catalogued and backdated, and updated. Who is who is listed here, with each file with a Databomb-10 attached to these files, along with a Scramble-7 file attached. Imagery is a large open area with that of a two story library area. Since most of the users are unable to access this area via cyberdeck, the tortoise icons are as those in C1.
C4 (VR Training Area): Since training is a big issue, this new portion to the Infobahn handles all virtual training that the Special Security Group does. Imagery is doors to the areas relegated for training with the Stage name on the doors.

Host C1, C2, C3, C4 Security Sheaf
5 Expert Killer/Offense +1-6
10 Trace-9
15 Passive Alert
19 Cascading Black-6
22 Active Alert
28 Black-9
32 Shutdown

Icon descriptions:
Black: Same as the Construct, but uses an M56A2 as it's attack.
Construct: An icon clad in ECS armor. The Killer program manifests as the Seburo M44a1. The Probe manifests simply as it looking for the intruder. And the Trace imagery represents a small drone that flies from the back to track the intruder. Tar Baby imagery is simply a hand that comes out of the floor. Tar Pit imagery is a grenade launcher under the M44a1, which shoots the "grenades" at the intruder, which coat the intruder in black goo. The Worm is a Dataworm, and that manifests as nothing, it just happens.
Deckers: Every decker icon is in M38 armor, and the attack programs are based on the decker's preference. They are all rated as Superior.
Killer: This icon is a soldier in SWAT gear. The attack manifests as an MP5.
Probe: Imagery is a security camera.
Trace: Trace icons represent a large wolf, that immediately springs out of the wall and attempts to hunt down the decker.

The standard program fielded to all operatives with a laptop, and with CIB deckers, this program opens up a SAN for them to enter the Infobahn. Access code for this program are updated weekly.
Rating: 8
Multiplier: 4

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1999, Fresh Productions. 1
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