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March 1, 2002
Dan, Rich and Matty met at about midnight and caught a cab to the hotel after dodging construction signs on the freeway in the middle of a sand storm.  They did some gambling until about 4 am (7 am Eastern time).  The next day, they set out to see the south portion of the strip...not much luck for Dan though.  Back in Florida, not much was going on with Amy and the kids, but the launch went off as planned after the scrub on the 28th.

March 2, 2002
Dan, Rich and Matty set-out to see the north end of the strip and the down town area...the Venetian was unbeleivable with the canals, the gondolas and the murals on the celling...the Freemont Street Experience down town was also very was funny, in the Venetian you are inside, but you feel like you are outside and on Freemont Street, you are outside, but you feel like you are inside.  The long streak of bad luck ended for Dan at Circus Circus, but he still unded up loosing for the weekend.  Things at home were boring without Dan around with the exception of Gymnastics not much else to report, says Amy.

March 3, 2002
After finally winning some money, ending the previous night's fun at about 5 am (8 am Eastern Time), packing and then catching a 2 hour nap, Dan jumped on his plane home with an hour layover in Phoenix and, even though they didn't take a day trip to the Hoover Dam while in Vegas, Dan saw it from the plane.  Amy, Coral, and Jordan met Dan at the airport and everyone was happy to see each other again!

March 4, 2002
Not much to report...just back to the grind of  work, school and daycare.

March 5, 2002
Dan spent the day in Orlando for some training the next two days.  Later that night, Dan and Amy went to the Kindergarden open house at Gardendale...we hope that Coral gets in here.

March 6, 2002
Surprise, surprise!  Ian just couldn't wait to see the world!
While Dan was on his way back from Orlando, Amy started to bleed and Mary (Amy's boss) drove her to the hospital.  When she arrived at the hospital, she found out that she was having contractions and was going into labor.  Dan got to the hospital about an hour later to find out, this was the night that we were having a baby.  Because Amy was bleeding and Ian was breech (feet-first instead of head-first), the doctors decided to do a C-section.  Everything went smoothly and Ian was brought into the world at 9:03 PM andweighed 4 lbs and 12 oz, 17 1/2 inches long, and 40 days early (3 oz heavier, 1/2 inch taller and 5 days ealier than Coral).  He did have under-developed lungs, so he needed some help breathing, but was taken off the oxygen the next morning.  Amy also did well after the operation.

March 7, 2002
Dan, Amy and Ian spent the night in the hospital and Coral spent the night at Mrs. Millhouse's house and Jordan spent the night at Sherri's house.  Dan went and got Coral and Jordan and then brought them to see Mom and Ian, but Ian was still behind glass.

March 8, 2002
Today Ian got moved to Amy's room right after Dan, Coral and Jordan left, so Shannah (who came to visit and painted Amy's toe-nails) watched the kids, so Dan could go back to hold Ian for the first time.  Later in the evening, the first in a long line of help arrived today.

March 9, 2002
Happy B-day to Richy (Side Bar: Isn't it funny how Rich's daughter, Madi, was born 3 days after Dan's Birthday and Dan's son, Ian, was born 3 days before Rich's Birthday?)
Sandy watched Coral and Jordan most of the day while Amy and Dan hung out with Ian in the hospital...he is still doing well, so maybe he will go home with Amy tomorrow.

March 10, 2002
Welcome Home, Ian and Amy!
Today, after 4 days in the hospital, both Ian and Amy were released from the hospital, so Dan went and got them.  The rest of the day was spent realigning things and letting Coral and Jordan get used to holding and feeding their brother!

March 11, 2002
Coral and Jordan went to school and daycare, so Dan and Amy could get a few things done around the house and let Ian get used to his surroundings.  Dan got out the bouncy chair, swing, and attachments for the strollers, so that the car seat fits in them again.

March 12, 2002
Ian had his first doctor's appointment, so Dan, Amy and Jordan took him.  His Billi Ruben count was down, so his jaundice is going away.  Everything else looked great, so she will see him next week.  After that, Dan took the Jeep to get the tail-light fixed (it was under warrenty, so it was all good) and then to work for a while to answer all the questions from his co-workers.

March 13, 2002
Dan went to work in the morning and then got a few things fixed and changed on the Sunfire.  The rest of the day was spent with Amy and the kids.

March 14, 2002
Dan went into work to accept a Certificate of Appreciation from the Center Director, Mr. Bridges, for a good job with the Air Program (for basically doing his job).  After the Awards Ceremony, he went out to lunch with Doug, John and Frank from work.  Later that afternoon, the next shift of help arrived via car from Pittsburgh...Judy and Gene.

March 15, 2002
Dan took the whole day off today.  Dan and Amy went to get a dresser for Jordan in her new room, while Gene worked on the yard and then Dan helped after they got home.

March 16, 2002
We had to miss the All-American Picnic for KSC today because, if we couldn't go as a whole family, we weren't going to go at all!  So Dan took Coral to gymnastics and the rest of the family hung out on this beautiful day (the weather here has been awesome for about a week, but we have had more important stuff to talk about, so it has gone unmentioned).

March 17, 2002
Happy St. Patty's Day!!!  We all wore our green today!
O'Dan, O'Gene and O'Coral went to church and then O'Dan put together the dresser.  The rest of the day was spent outside.  O'Gene and O'Coral even took a dip in the pool, while O'Amy, O'Jordan, O'Judy and O'Dan put their feet in the pool.  O'Dan also enjoyed some Guiness and Irish Cream on this special day.

March 18, 2002
Dan had his first whole day back at work.  At home, things were also getting back to normal...Judy is finally getting over her cold (which may just be allergies or from traveling from east to west, north to south in a matter of days), so she held Ian most of the day.

March 19, 2002
Dan worked half the day so he could take Amy and Ian to the doctor's...Ian is doing great!  He now weighs 5 lbs 3 oz and is 19 3/8 inches long and is eating 2 or 3 oz every 3 hours.  You can even see him getting bigger in the face (his checks are getting chubby).  After that, Dan and Gene went and hit some golf balls and Amy, Coral and Jordan walked over to watch for a while.  Judy was home making meatballs for dinner.

March 20, 2002
Amy had a doctor's appointment today and is doing great...she can now carefully lift up Jordan and drive...thank goodness, because she was bummin' rides off of everyone.  Later, Shannah and David came over and made pizzas from scratch (except for the dough) for everyone...they were excellent!
Thanks Shannah!

March 21, 2002
Dan had a dentist appointment today, which lasted all afternoon, just so the dentist could look at them...not clean them, not do anything!  They did set up an appointment to have to fillings replaced and a cleaning at a later date...boy, I love this new dentist.
Other than that, it was a pretty normal day.

March 22, 2002
After work, Gene got some fish and we played cards most of the night.

March 23, 2002
Amy, Coral and Judy went to gymnastics and then did some shopping, while Ian, Jordan, Dan and Gene stayed home.  While Ian and Jordan were sleeping, Dan did a little cleaning of the pool.  Later, we watched "The Red Violin", Amy did fall asleep, but then Ian kept her awake to watch the rest of the movie...she gives it 2 1/2 "long winks".

March 24, 2002
Dan, Coral, Judy and Gene went to Church for Palm Sunday.  After church, Amy, Coral and Judy did some more shopping at Publix and Wal-Mart.  Later, we tried to watching the Oscars, but we all fell asleep...even Ian, who is a huge movie fan.

March 25, 2002
Gene and Judy went to Vero Beach to visit friends, so the Florida Remberts spent their first day and evening by themselves since the birth of was nice and relaxing.

March 26, 2002
Mike, Carol and Angie came over from their vacation spot on the west coast of Florida to see Ian, Coral, and Jordan.  Dan and Amy watched "The Matrix" because a huge lightning storm took out the satellite.  Later, Judy and Gene returned from their vacation from their vacation in Vero Beach and will be leaving tomorrow to make room for the next group.

March 27, 2002
Judy and Gene left early in the morning, so Amy spent the rest of the day cleaning and doing laundry...basically, getting ready for the next guests.

March 28, 2002
Amy and the kids spent the whole day preping the house for the next tourist group.  Lorie, Rusty, Halee and Chloee checked in the Bolton Bed and Breakfast around 6:30.

March 29, 2002
Dan took the day off to enjoy the beautiful weather outside and swim with the rest of the Florida Remberts and the guests.  Amy took Jordan to the dermatologist for the rash she has had on her face since November and got some more cream.

March 30, 2002
Just another day of soaking in the Florida sun and trying to stay cool by swimming all day
(the thermometer read 110 in the sun and 86 in the shade).

March 31, 2002
Happy Easter to All, and to All a Good Night!
The day started off with the kids finding their baskets (Good job hiding them, Peter) and then, after tearing them away from the chocolate for a few minutes, the kids went on The 2nd Annual Bolton Bed and Breakfast Easter Egg Hunt.  After finding all the eggs, seeing how much money they got, and watching a few Rankin/Bass Easter Shows, we all piled in the cars and went to Easter Mass.  This was Ian's first trip to church and we even got to witness 3 of which, was Amy's friend, Lorie's, child and Helen was the Godmother, so Ian got to see what he has in store.  When we got home, a Monopoly (Dan's favorite game) Tournament broke out.  Coral, Chloee and Amy dropped out early, Dan got knocked out by landing on Halee's Boardwalk with a hotel soon after that, and Lorie was on her way to making a great comeback, but this battle of great proportions got delayed by dinner (to be continued at a later time).  We sat down to eat turkey and all the fixin's at about 7 and finished cleaning up the mess about 9.
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
March 2002
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