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July 1, 2004
The Florida Remberts celebrate their 4th Year in Florida!!!
Dan took his interns on a tour of the Orbiter Processing Facility, Bay 1 to visit with Discovery, which is getting prepared for flight some time soon.

July 2, 2004
After work, Dan joined a few people from his office to celebrate John's 40th birthday, which is actually on the 4th.  They met at Grills for some drinks and Dan even had some wings from Frankie's (across the street from Grills), which is a popular place for wings in the area.

July 3, 2004
We took today to get a few things accomplished around the house so we could be lazy the rest of the extended weekend.  Don't worry, we didn't work too hard...we found time to swim in the pool during the afternoon until the rains came.

July 4, 2004
Happy 4th of July to all and Happy 40th to John!!!
We joined the Shaffers in Orlando to mooch yet again off of their time share.  They stayed at a place across the street from their normal spot, but the pool was just as nice.  They had many games and activities for the kids to do and Jordan even did a great job at the limbo contest.  Later, the rains spoiled our chances to enjoy the fireworks, which we drove back home to watch.

July 5, 2004
Luckily, the holiday fell on a Sunday this year, so we got Monday off of work.  We used this time to relax and BBQ on the grill.  The good thing was the rains stayed to the west.

July 6, 2004
Back to work and daycare for!

July 7, 2004
Dan was honored by the intern students (along with all the other mentors, including Denise and Doug) at the 2004 Mentor Appreciation Luncheon.  The food was surprisingly very good and Dan even received two nice plaques for his efforts, one for each apprentice.

July 8, 2004
We received some great NEWS from our friends, Tim and Marcy today...congrats for baby Cameron!  Dan rushed home from work to cut the grass in the back yard before the rain came, but the rain never came.

July 9, 2004
A long-awaited new Story About Rich has been posted...this one's from 18-years ago, enjoy!
To start the weekend off with a bang, after gymnastics, the Remberts were joined by Shannah, David, and Sierra for pizza and some evening swimming.  It was great fun until the bugs ate each of us up
and left only bones.

July 10, 2004
We used most of the day to get some work done around the house...Dan removed a stump of a dead palm bush and Amy cleaned the carpeting on the back porch.  After these major projects were done along with the other minor ones, we did some swimming.

July 11, 2004
After church for Dan and Coral, Amy did some shopping.  Because it was a rainy day, we spent most of the day indoors.  Coral spent part of the day at her friend from school, Lauren's house.  She got home just in time for dinner...chicken wings for Dan and everyone else had boneless chicken breast, which we ate outside because the rain stopped.

July 12, 2004
After work, Amy went to a dinner party at Shannah's house so she and the other ladies could gossip, sip wine, and eat food...three things on the top of any woman's priority list.

July 13, 2004
Not much going on, so we will do a quick update on Dan's walking-pneumonia, which he has had for almost a month...Doctor Lou says it is much better and should be gone soon.  For those of you that are now thinking, "what in the world?!?!"...don't worry, Dan is fine, it is a very mild case of pneumonia and should be gone soon now that the medicine is completed.

July 14, 2004
Today was registration day at Gardendale...Coral is all set-up for 2nd grade!  Wow, who would have thunk it, Coral in big SECOND GRADE and Jordan only a year away from starting Gardendale also...this means that in 3 short years Dan and Amy will be free of high daycare costs and have 3 kids in the same school to cut down on pick-up times...woo hoo!

July 15, 2004
After work, Amy had a dentist appointment to get some more work done on her crowns.  After that fun time, she picked-up Coral and they did some school shopping and of course added on some other personal and non-personal shopping.

July 16, 2004
Dan was in charge of the kids, so first was gymnastics and then dinner from Burger King and a movie.  Amy had a dinner date with some friends from work.

July 17, 2004
We did a few morning chores, but then were off to celebrate John's 40th birthday yet again.  Krista threw him a surprise party at their house and was truly surprised.  Hopefully this will be John's last time turning 40 and we are done for the year of parties.

July 18, 2004
Coral and Amy first went to church, then food shopping, and then later a birthday party for one of Coral's friends Mollie...Dan, Ian, and Jordan were home-bodies during this time.  Later, after the kids were in bed, Dan and Amy watched the very disturbing movie, Monster.  We both felt that it was a good movie and Charlize Theron did a great job, but it left some very disconcerting images in our minds long after we were done watching the flick.  Amy gives it 2 1/2 long winks because of the content of the movie,
but otherwise it's good to see.

July 19, 2004
Today was Coral's first day of 2nd grade!!!  She said she likes her new teacher, Mrs. Montella and it was great to see all her classmates...she seems to love her school!

July 20, 2004
Not much going on here, just a very rainy day...

July 21, 2004
Dan did some grass cuttin' and Amy and the kids did some shoe shoppin', other than that, it was a pretty boring day.  Marie got a new car (for herself) for Dwain's Birthday, which is tomorrow...if that isn't a great advertisement for marriage, I don't know what is?!

July 22, 2004
Happy Birthday to Dwain!!!
Dan enjoyed the big chili cook-off at work being a huge fan of chili...Amy on the other hand skipped-out because she is not a fan.  Not other news from the day.

July 23, 2004
Nicolas, the summer high school student that has been working with Dan, will be leaving us in a week, so we had a little lunch at the Port to say good-bye.  After work, Dan had another night Texas Hold 'Em Poker and lost again...damn Eddie!

July 24, 2004
Dan and Amy really "went to town" on house chores today...mostly yard work and pool work.  With all the rain, the grass is looking better, but the pool is looking worse, but both are looking good after the day's work.  Later, Coral had a bowling birthday party for a classmate, so we decided to take Jordan and Ian to a near-by lane and see how they like the game for the first time.  The kids really enjoyed themselves, but 2 games may have been too much.  After bowling, pizza and the birthday party,
Dan finally got his father's day gifts at TJ Maxx.

July 25, 2004
Church time for Dan and Coral, followed by some swimming, and then some food shopping/bill paying during nap-time.

July 26, 2004
The big excitement of the day was that the Jeep turned 10,000 miles while at Target.  "What was Dan doing at Target?", you may ask...well, he was getting a baby shower present for one of the teachers at Jordan and Ian's school and he was also spending the last of his Christmas gift money.  Amy spent the evening getting ready for her big trip.

July 27, 2004
Amy joined the Democratic National Convention in Boston today...she was excited to help spread the word of Kerry...just kidding, she is in Boston to get some training for File Maker.  It just so happens that her trip coincided with the convention.

July 28, 2004
Not much to write about today, unless you want to hear about how busy Dan is with getting all the stuff done for the 3 kids or how bored Amy is at the training because everyone is local and she has no one to play with after class (at least this is what she is telling Dan).

July 29, 2004
Ian got sick at pre-school during lunch, so Dan took some time off from work to get him...turns out he must have just had food poison or something because once we were home, he was fine.  Later, Dan took this opportunity without most of the kids to get some DVD rentals, but now the DVD player is not working...damnit, no soup for Dan and no movie reviews for you!

July 30, 2004
Ian returned to pre-school today and guess who else returned today...Amy is back, woo hoo!  After doing all her cheering for John Kerry, Amy has returned back home to Florida!  After gymnastics, we celebrated by doing some evening swimming.

July 31, 2004
The Tropical Depression off the coast put a damper on the swimming, but Amy, Jordan and Ian fit a quick one in before the rains started.  With the rains, a broken DVD player, and two rentals waiting to be played, it was time to price a new player.  Dan took a trip to BJs and got some food and a new DVD player (for only $, how technology has decreased in price!).  So let's discuss the movies...first was the end of the trilogy, The Matrix Revolutions, and second was Hellboy.  Both were disappointing and Amy didn't watch either (she is not a Matrix fan and slept entirely through Hellboy), so you will find this to be the big review.  Matrix tried to be the Star Wars of this generation, but it got too convoluted.  Revolutions lost Dan in too much muck...why make it so complicated?  Do they want the fans to look at this movie like some abstract art?  Dan doesn't know if his theories are right, so if you would like to discuss it, please email him.  Hellboy was a bad comic book on the big screen...sometimes you don't have to make a movie out of every comic book out there, people.  Some of Dan's deep thoughts....
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
July 2004
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