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November 1, 2001
Amy's day off was, and always is, spent catching up on house work and laundry.  Dan came home early so Coral and Amy went to gymnastic alone.

November 2, 2001
Dan and Amy rode into work together so we could get the car fixed...again.  After work we found out the damage and then got the kids and a movie.  When we got home, the garage door would not open, so needless to say, we were not happy campers.  We did get a pizza and watched a few Rankin/Bass DVDs that we ordered from and arrived today to ease the pain.

November 3, 2001
Amy got her haircut and Dan fixed the garage door (it was one of those giant springs that broke) and picked some oranges.  Today was the first Florida Wedding for the Florida Remberts, not to mention, the first wedding ever for Coral and Jordan...Amy and Coral went to the church while Dan watched the Penn State game and Jordan napped.  After they got back, we all went to the Port St. John's Community Center for the reception.  We had some food and fun...Coral danced just about the whole time and Jordan, Amy and Dan got down a few times too.  It was a small wedding with a few other kids to play with there.  After the wedding and bedtime for the dancing fools, Dan and Amy watched their movie.  It was "Men of Honor"...Amy gives it 2 1/2 "long winks" and yes, she did go back to her old "no, I'm not sleeping" ways.  Dan was a little disappointed in it, too.  It was a good story told the wrong way or something?  You would think with such good actors that wouldn't they could carry the movie, but they couldn't.

November 4, 2001
Amy went Christmas shopping with Krista (Shaffer) at her mecca, the Florida Mall, all day, while Dan and the kids stayed home.  Dan followed the Steeler game on the computer and watched three others on TV.  Jordan did her first "drawing on something she shouldn't be drawing on" trick...pen on Amy and Dan's comforter.

November 5, 2001
Not much going on other than work, daycare and school.

November 6, 2001
At work, Dan welcomed people from all the other NASA Centers (other than Dryden) that do what he does...Air work.  He also presented the KSC Air Program to them and learned all about the other programs from their presentations.

November 7, 2001
Dan continued with the meetings with the other centers, except today they met at The Inn at Cocoa Beach.  The Inn at Cocoa Beach is very is more of a bed and breakfast than a hotel, but it is on the beach.  Dan recommends it for any visitors that do not want to stay at the Bolton Bed and Breakfast.  After the presentations and the rest of the meeting were finished for the day, we all went to the Florida Seafood Grill for dinner and conversation.  Amy left work early to go to the doctor's for a check-up...the baby is doing good and we found out the we are having a sonogram on Monday.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that we will find out the sex of the baby and yes,
we are wishing for a boy.

November 8, 2001
For the last day with the Air Group meetings, we all went on a tour of KSC (we had to call it an inspection...because of the increased security at the center, all tours are suspended).  Amy, Jordan, Coral and Coral's class went on a field trip to the Sheriff's Farm.  After Dan got home from work, Amy and Coral then went to gymnastics.

November 9, 2001
Dan was just happy to get this busy week out of the way, so after work and the "Friday pizza", even Amy out-lasted him as he feel asleep.

November 10, 2001
Today was work day at the Bolton Bed and Breakfast...Dan cut the grass and cleaned the pool and Amy did a lot of weeding!  This may be the last time for a while.  One thing is for sure, it was a perfect day to be outside...80 and sunny.

November 11, 2001
We all went to Trinity Lutheran (Coral's school) for church because the preschoolers were singing.  After church, Dan went to Malibu's to watch the Steeler game with Doug while Amy, Coral and Jordan went to Wal-Mart to do some shopping.

November 12, 2001
We got up early on our day off to take Jordan to the baby-sitter's and then Dan, Amy and Coral were off to the sonogram to find out that...IT'S A BOY!  We were all excited, especially Coral, and Dan was relieved more than anything!  After that, Coral went to school and we told Jordan the NEWS....she said "Da Do Da!"  After Coral got back, we decided to head south to the Vero Beach Outlet Mall where we did some Christmas Shopping and even bought Ian his first shirt.

November 13, 2001
Dan started back to the gym this morning, after all he has to now keep up with a boy, so he better get in shape.  At work, Dan and Amy spent a lot of time telling people the news and getting congratulated.  Dan also put the sonogram pictures on the site, so check them out.

November 14, 2001
After work, Amy went to see "Riding in Cars with Boys" and she gave it Zero "long winks".  She also got to go to Chili's for dinner, which is her favorite place to dine.  Back at the ranch, Dan and Coral watched Rankin/Bass Christmas shows while Jordan slept from the time we got home from daycare until the next morning...she must have been a tired-girl.

November 15, 2001 normal Thursday.  Amy had some fillings filled.
And even a new sonogram picture!

November 16, 2001
Another normal day of work, school, and daycare...TGIF!

November 17, 2001
First thing we did was ate the pancakes Amy made for us, then we took the Jeep to get the 12,000 mile check-up done.  After the Jeep was done, we all went to the beach for the rest of the day...Shannah met us was nice and relaxing!

November 18, 2001
Amy and Coral did some shopping (food and Christmas), while Dan and Jordan played and watched the early football games.  Then, we had our traditional "Steelers' Party" as we watched the Steelers beat the Jags in the late game and we woke up the neighbors when we all cheered!

November 19, 2001
We all woke up to the sound of Amy yelling at a possum on the back must of came in through the doggie door and wouldn't leave until Dan made it play dead and then pushed it outside.  At work, Dan got fired and Amy should be getting "the boot" soon...this is a regular thing since the LSSC contract is ending soon.  But not to worry, they should still have jobs with the company that gets the new contract, we just hope that it is Dynamac/Bionetics again.

November 20, 2001
Dan added more pictures to the Family Album and to the Friends section of the website.  Amy got her "walking papers" at work today.  Later that night, Coral, Jordan and Amy did some more Christmas shopping while Dan worked late.

November 21, 2001
After work, Amy and Dan dropped Coral and Jordan off at the baby-sitter's and went to a poker party.  We had ritas and beers (Amy didn't) and Dan played poker while Amy put her feet in the hot tub.  Dan broke even for the night and Amy did too, but she didn't even play.

November 22, 2001
Happy Turkey Day!!!!!
It was a nice relaxing Thanksgiving at the Bolton Bed and Breakfast...Dan cooked the turkey, drank some wine, and watched some football, while Amy, Coral and Jordan took naps.  We called and talked to loved ones in Pittsburgh and San Francisco (some three times).  We even ate dinner on the back porch because it was so nice outside.

November 23, 2001
On the day after Thanksgiving, it is a Florida Rembert tradition to embellish the Bolton Bed and Breakfast with all the Christmas decorations (this tradition dates back to the "Oakmont Street Strut Inn" days back in Pittsburgh).  We listened to Christmas music and drank egg nog while trimming the tree and illuminating rooms with Christmas lights.  After we finished the interior, we watched Rankin/Bass Christmas Specials to bring the day to a close.

November 24, 2001
Today, we finished the decoration of the Bolton Bed and Breakfast by completing the outside and returning the empty boxes to storage.  Once all the lights and boxes were in place, we ordered pizza and watched Penn State continue to turn a bad season into a decent one by getting to .500...with one more win, they will be bowl eligible.

November 25, 2001
Coral and Amy went to church then did some food shopping.  After they got back, Dan went to Malibu's to watch the Steelers win their 8th of the year.

November 26, 2001
Back to the, work, daycare.
Jordan seems to be getting about 4 more teeth.

November 27, 2001
Dan wasn't feeling up to par, so he took the day off and spent the day just laying around trying to get better, while Amy and the kids did their normal stuff.  Dan felt better later that night and should return to work tomorrow. 

November 28, 2001
Pretty normal day, until Dan and the kids got home...when it was time to close the garage door, it fell down on the Jeep.  So Dan, with help from Amy, spent most of the evening fixing the garage door so that it would stop doing that (don't worry the Jeep was not harmed in any way).

November 29, 2001
We received our second Dish receiver in the mail today...this means that we (and you, when you visit) can watch more than one thing at a time.  Dan will now have to get it hooked-up.

November 30, 2001
After work, daycare, and school, we went to the new and giant Lowe's MEGA Store to get some stuff needed for the house.  Later, Dan set up the cable lines to get the new receiver hooked-up and Amy did some cleaning, while Coral and Jordan watched TV and played.
The Florida Remberts
Diary Archives
November 2001
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