The following people deserve some credit towards the constuction of this site. I have to have this section in or they will complain. Complaining not good.
Flarius - That's right, I constructed the whole damn thing. All this typing? All these pictures? All those little happy backgrounds, that is ME. ME I SAY!! MEEE!
I deserve more credit for anyone and all you have to do to show it is visit! Simple as that. I will update as often as I can (as new patches and tricks are available to me) and hopefully many of you BZ'ers out there might have a place to look for
advanced strategy rather than the newbie "make a scav and place it on the nearest pool" strategies you see everywhere. Long live the meteor, see you all at my server in Gamespy working off of v1.2
Magicide - My faithful partner in Battlezone who knows a hell of a lot more FPS strat than I do. That is probably why he is the better pilot. He contributed everything you see in the "pilot strategy" section on this site. the picture aver to the left indicates a nuclear blast. Just think, Mag, in about ten years that scene will be very very familiar with you :) (I had to put him in here or he threatened to kill me. What's 3k of webspace for your life, eh?)
The Aphyx Twin - Some guy who stumbled into my server at about 4:00 UK time. Being a time zone about 8 hours away from mine...he somehow made an effort to go to my server. He told me of the Mainactor program which allowed me to convert my .bmp screenshots into .jpg form for your viewing pleasure. For some reason when I thought of Aphyx (have no idea what that means) I thought Aphid. Well, here's a picture of an aphid. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Click the nuke to go home
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