GQHQ Promotion Guidelines for Officers

Rank Insignia

Rank Title


Second Lieutenant

To achieve the rank of Private, graduation from Starfleet Marine Academy is required.

First Lieutenant

To achieve the rank of First Lieutenant, an officer is required to actively serve a minimum of one continuous month in good standing as Second Lieutenant. His/Her Commanding Officer has promotion authority and may impose requirements above and beyond the minimum listed here.


To achieve the rank of Captain, an officer is required to actively serve a minimum of two continuous months in good standing as First Lieutenant. His/Her Commanding Officer has promotion authority and may impose requirements above and beyond the minimum listed here.


To achieve the rank of Major, an officer is required to actively serve a minimum of three continuous months in good standing as Captain. The Officer must also show leadership potential. His/Her Commanding Officer has promotion authority and may impose requirements above and beyond the minimum listed here.

Lieutenant Colonel

To achieve the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, an officer is required to actively serve a minimum of six continuous months in good standing as Major. The Officer must also demonstrate leadership qualities and set a good example for others. His/Her Commanding Officer has promotion authority and may impose requirements above and beyond the minimum listed here.


To achieve the "Flag Rank" of Colonel, an officer is required to actively serve a minimum of six continuous months in good standing as Lieutenant Colonel and have 2/3 Admiralty approval. The Officer must also demonstrate leadership qualities, regularly set a good example for others to follow and help promote the ideals of the GQHQ Constitution. Promotion to the remaining Flag Ranks of Brigadier General through Field Marshall are also determined by the Admiralty. The GQHQ Admiralty has promotion authority for all Flag Ranks and may impose requirements above and beyond the minimum listed here.

Brigadier General

Major General

Lieutenant General


Field Marshall

The Admiralty reserves the right to overturn any promotion.

Here you will find information regarding the Pips.

Tango Fleet Homepage

The rank pips graphics on this page where created by Steven Marriott, for Tango Fleet RPG.
Please do not copy these images, simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page.
Steven Will happily pass along the files to anyone who takes the time to ask him for the files.

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