Misc Programs

I've had a few random programs I've been trying to make.

shorah's Christmas Gift 2005 ~3.1MB - Here's a gift for a good friend of mine. I didn't put it on The Outpost because it's so big. I'm surprised it's that big, but I guess in the conversion process, it needs to take a lot of stuff. It's so big because there's no other way I know how to do the whole thing. When you unzip it, go into the folder, and just find the little application (.exe file) that says shorah 2005. Just click on it. Have fun!

The Butler (1.0) 43KB - Here's one that's kind of fun. It's a butler. He'll give you whatever you ask for. Maybe the next butler I create will be more sarcastic, but, anotehr one will definetely come!....

The Aikido Kid (1.0) ???KB - Based on the Karate Kid, the Aikido Kid is a joke, since learners of Nihon Goshin Aikido don't "fight" per se... and we don't have competitions. It's all strictly self defense. Learn the techniques and battle it out on the streets or in an all-out martial arts competition. (TBA)

E=mc^2 (85 KB) - Here's a two-in-one program that converts any mass into its raw energy according to the equation (Metric and Customary version included). It's a lot of energy.

Grey Life (1.0) ???KB - Live the life of Fleet Admiral Connor Grey and work your way up to commanding a fleet from a simple townsman. (TBA)

Outpost Movie (4MB) - Preview movie for The Outpost forum at s4.invisionfree.com/The_Outpost for the creative arts.

NetLogo Package (34KB) - A package of various projects in NetLogo, including:
Starship Commander - My TI-84 calculator game on the computer. Defeat the enemy ship with your own.
Army - A simulator where two armies are pitted against each other. Test various functions, set reinforcements, morale, units.
Ants Vs Sheep - Charlie Lang's inspiration, changing Army into a bloodbath of the animals.
Mathsolvers - Yeah, I'm a nerd. Watch your computer solve Pi, e, factorials, square roots. Next version to include any roots.
Final8 - The much awaited NetLogo Final Project.Not yet finished, will be updated eventually into Deltannia: Grey Commander. Play 5 levels of various battles of the life of Connor Grey, including the Battle of Tetra 4.
Other additions later on will include:
Nations - Build a nation based on your principles. You choose the fate of your country's military, politics, religion, etc. Test it out against other nations around you.
Starship Commander 2 - Defeat the enemies as graphics are included in this work-in-progress.

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