After reading this page, you _might_ get to know me, but I doubt it.
I'm 22 from NJ.
My birthday is February 9, 1982.
My passion is music... I especially like sad and angry music. I've been playing piano since I was 8, and I play by ear. I also have been playing guitar since I was 10.
Let's see... If you can't tell from my page already, I like to draw, paint, write poetry, and program...
Here's a survey I filled out on March 26, 2003 if you want to know more about who i am.
Well, that's about it (or at least all I can think of right now)...

If you want to get a hold of me, here's how:

shitty quality, but most recent

last year

2 years ago

2 years ago, kinda dark


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