Children of the Night

Cloaked in black, we run through the streets
The night we enthrall, the darkness we greet
Appeasing our hunger for blood of the pure
The rotting of others our flesh will endure...

Four lonely spirits, we stray from our lair
Our rampage leaves trails of death and despair
The victims lay motionless, void of all life
The God of fear envelopes my knife...

Children of night, we feast on the dead
The hunger within us has now been fed
The nightly meal now comes to an end
Vampyric society instills this trend...

Cemetary fences surrounding the graves
Consuming of flesh has subdued the craves
That drive us to madness, the urge to kill
Hunger is something beyond strength of will...

Into the coffins just before dawn
The sun has risen, the vamps are all gone
Deep in the earth, the vampyres sleep
But when nightfall comes, innocence we will reap...


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