
I try to forget but memories return like an old friend
They greet you with a smile, or stab you in the back
Painful these memories are, but strength they have conceived
The great walls of knowledge fortress my heart...

An endless flow of devious emotions clash against my castle
A deceiving show of affection aimed to breach my soul
Yet with intelligence I stand unscathed
And slowly become what I have despised for so long...

I see myself changing, morphing into someone I don't know
I can see myself making the actions of a stranger
A stranger I detest, a stranger I reject
A stranger is what I have become...

With strength comes the willingness to hurt and walk away
My callous heart has grown indifferent to the world
The very element of hate that had injured my heart
Has now enveloped and permeated throughout its whole being...

I catch myself doing exactly what she used to
My innocence has been raped, but now I'm the rapist
Evil and cruelty have replaced my love and sweetness
I hate myself...


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