Finding Forrester
Sean Conery speaking slang, should we be scared?
By Megan Welch

: : : Our Rating : : :


If you wrote the great American novel, would you drop out of sight? If you could have the world handed to you on a silver platter just because you happen to be good at basketball, would you peruse writing? The film "Finding Forrester" probes the hearts of its two main characters to find out why one abandoned his dream and why the other lets others set his dreams for him.

The film follows a young black basketball player who uncovers the identity of the local neighborhood recluse and reveals him to be the most famous of the one-hit wonders, William Forrester. The lad agrees to keep Forrester's identity a secret as long as Forrester helps him with his writing. What follows is a compelling story line that is enjoyable to watch.

There were only two things that bothered me about the film. 1- I loved the film but left feeling like something was missing, I'm told if I see "Dead Poets Society" I'll understand. 2 - I feel sorry for Anna Paquin. She's a superb actor, and even has an Oscar to prove it, but when the heck is she going to get credited as Oscar winner Anna Paquin? I mean in "Pay it Forward" Haley Joel Osment got credited at an Oscar Nominee!

Only one more bit of advice for the viewer, keep your eyes pealed for the cameo in the last act of the film...

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