Miss Congeniality
My Fair Lady with a gun?
By Megan Welch

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Sandra bullock can be in crap (Forces of Nature) or she can be in great stuff (Speed). Miss Congeniality falls into the latter category. The film keeps you laughing from the moment you walk into the theater until the moment you leave.

In the film we follow the adventures of Bullocks character, a life long tomboy, who is the complete anti-girl, and her career in the F.B.I. Described as "Dirty Harriet", she is shocked to be asked to go undercover in the Miss U.S.A. pageant to protect the contestants from a Unabomber-like madman. Even more shocked is the pageant director (Candice Bergen) and the pageant host (William Shatner).

It's hard to say which actor has the best performance. Bullock shines at her comedic best going from kicking Edward James Almos' butt and then trying to figure out how to apply make-up. Bergen plays a stereotypical former beauty queen who gets lines like "This is Texas, everyone owns a gun. My florist owns a gun." William Shatner is incredibly humorous as the clueless pageant host who is dominated by the pageant director. Though if I had to choose the one character that I loved the most I'd probably have to go with Michael Caine. Playing a homosexual beauty pageant consultant to Sandra Bullock allowed all involved to make fun of the genre.

To make what could be a really long review short I quote Enigo Montoya "...I tell you. No wait, there is too much - I sum up." Miss Congeniality is comic fun for all ages and I highly recommend seeing it. But if you're either skeptical or really cheap it will be coming to video and DVD in May.

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