The Perfect Storm
Action floats while characters sink.
By Stacey Lamas

: : : Our Rating : : :

See it at a Matinee

This film had the potential to be a pretty quality action flick, but then it made the fatal mistake of trying to incorporate character development along with the pure action base. Either type of film, that is action focused or character focused is great, but when you try to do both, it deteriorates the film as a whole. This film begins with your basic setup for the upcoming action sequences, then it starts depicting (supposedly anyway) the true innerworkings of the characters' lives. Instead, it comes across as completely heavy handed and rather poorly acted. Every scene shows only extremes of emotion, so the characters are either giddy with laughter,(and all too heavily staged banter), or they are screaming and crying with/at one another (mostly screaming at). I don't mind a lack of realism as long as it is consistent and there is no attempt to feign any realism. It is enough that this film is based on a true story. During first part (maybe half even) they are trying to make you CARE about the characters, but all I am thinking is: when do we get to the part with the storm. Once they finally get onto the water, this starts being a good film and I actually did enjoy it. Granted, the special effects could have been better, and there also should have been a few more special effects scenes, but it was entertaining and kept my attention. All in all worth seeing if you can ignore the horrible writing and staging of the first 30 to 40 minutes.

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